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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 1.djvu/742

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certain cases, discharge their cargoes elsewhere. for such district, and it shall be required or permitted by such health laws, that the cargo of such vessel shall or may be unladen at some other place within or near to such district, the collector authorized therein, after due report to him of the whole of such cargo, may grant his especial warrant or permit for the unlading and discharge thereof, under the care of the surveyor, or of one or more inspectors, at some other place where such health laws shall permit, and upon the conditions and restrictions which shall be directed by the Secretary of the Treasury, or which such collector may, for the time, reasonably judge expedient for the security of the public revenue: Provided, that in every such case, all the articles of the cargo so to be unladen, shall be deposited at the risk of the parties concerned therein, in such public or other warehouses or inclosures, as the collector shall designate, there to remain under the joint custody of such collector and of the owner or owners, or master, or other person having charge of such vessel, until the same shall be entirely unladen or discharged; and until the goods, wares or merchandise which shall be so deposited may be safely removed, without contravening such health laws; and when such removal may be allowed, the collector having charge of such goods, wares or merchandise, may grant permits to the respective owners or consignees, their factors or agents, to receive all goods, wares or merchandise, which shall be entered, and whereof the duties accruing shall be paid or secured, according to law, upon the payment by them of a reasonable rate of storeage; which shall be fixed by the Secretary of the Treasury for all public warehouses and inclosures.

Sec. 3.Warehouses, &c. may be procured for the reception of such cargoes. And be it further enacted, That there shall be purchased or erected, under the orders of the President of the United States, suitable warehouses, with wharves and inclosures, where goods and merchandise may be unladen and deposited, from any vessel which shall be subject to a quarantine, or other restraint, pursuant to the health laws of any state as aforesaid, at such convenient place or places therein, as the safety of the public revenue, and the observance of such health laws may require.

Sec. 4.In case of contagious or epidemical disease at the ports of entry, the officers may be removed. And be it further enacted, That when, by the prevalence of any contagious or epidemical disease, in or near the place by law established, as the port of entry for any collection district, it shall become dangerous or inconvenient for the collector and the other officers of the revenue employed therein, to continue the discharge of their respective offices at such port, the Secretary, or in his absence, the comptroller of the treasury of the United States, may direct and authorize the removal of the collector, and the other officers employed in his department, from such port, to any other more convenient place, within, or as near as may be to such collection district, where such collector and officers may exercise the same authorities, and shall be liable to the same duties, according to existing circumstances, as in such lawful port or district; and of such removal, public notice shall be given as soon as may be.

Sec. 5.In case of such disease prisoners may be removed. And be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for the judge of any district court of the United States, within whose district any contagious or epidemical disease shall at any time prevail, so as in his opinion, to endanger the life or lives of any person or persons confined in the prison of such district, in pursuance of any law of the United States, to direct the marshal to cause the person or persons confined as aforesaid, to be removed to the next adjacent prison where such disease does not prevail, there to be confined, until he, she or they may safely be removed back to the place of their first confinement; which removals shall be at the expense of the United States.

Sec. 6. The public offices may be removed in case   And be it further enacted, That in case of the prevalence of a contagious or epidemical disease at the seat of government, it shall be lawful for the President of the United States to permit and direct the