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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 1.djvu/772

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goods, wares and merchandise of any nature or kind whatsoever, than are contained in the report and manifest, subscribed and now delivered by me, I will immediately and without delay, make due report thereof to the collector of the port or district of (here insert the port or district entering at) and I do likewise swear (or affirm) that all matters whatsoever in the said report and manifest expressed, are to the best of my knowledge and belief just and true. (The following addition to the oath or affirmation is to be inserted in cases where the manifests shall not have been certified by some officer of the customs in manner provided.) I further swear (or affirm) that no officer of the customs has applied for an inspection of the manifest of the cargo on board the said vessel, and that no certificate or endorsement has been delivered to me on any manifest of such cargo. So help me God.

(Signed)A. B.

Sworn (or affirmed) before me
thisday of

C. D. Collector.

And the master, Further report to be made of spirits, wines and teas.or other person having the charge or command of any ship or vessel, having on board distilled spirits, wines or teas, shall within forty-eight hours after his arrival as aforesaid, whether the same be at the first port of arrival of such ship or vessel, or not, shall, in addition to the requirements before mentioned, report in writing to the surveyor or officer acting as inspector of the revenue of the port, at which he shall so arrive, the foreign port or place from which he last sailed, the name of his vessel, his own name, the burthen and denomination of such ship or vessel, and whether a ship or vessel of the United States, or to what other nation belonging, together with the quantity, and kinds of spirits, wines and teas on board of the said ship or vessel, particularizing the number of casks, vessels, cases or other packages containing the same, with their marks and numbers, as also the quantity and kinds of spirits, wines and teas on board such ship or vessel, as sea stores, Penalty on failure therein.on pain of forfeiting and paying the sum of five hundred dollars, and of the loss of the spirits so omitted; and the form of said report shall be as follows, to wit:

Form of report of spirits, wines and teas.
Report of distilled spirits, wines, and teas, imported in the (here insert the name and denomination of the vessel) built in (here insert where built in the United States, or to what foreign nation belonging) burthen (here insert the tonnage of the vessel) whereof (here insert the name of the master) from (here insert the foreign port, from which the vessel last sailed) bound to (here insert the port or ports to which destined in the United States.)



  Numbers of casks, chests, and packages inclusive.
  Description of casks, chests, and packages inclusive.
  Kinds and qualities of spirits, wines, and teas.
  Estimated gallons of spirits of each kind.
  Estimated gallons of wines of each kind.
  Estimated pounds of teas of each kind.
  To whom consigned.
  Where consigned.