whom they shall be performed, if performed by one only, for his sole benefit,—but if performed by more than one, to him who shall have the first agency, to be divided in equal parts between him and the other or others by whom the said services shall also be performed.Compensation to inspectors. To each inspector there shall be allowed, for every day he shall be actually employed in aid of the customs, a sum not exceeding two dollars; and for every other person that the collector may find it necessary and expedient to employ, as occasional inspectors, or in any other way in aid of the revenue, a like sum, whilst actually so employed, not exceeding two dollars for every day so employed, to be paid by the collector out of the revenue, and charged to the United States: Provided, that the services performed by occasional inspectors, shall be particularly detailed in the accounts to be transmitted to the treasury, and certified as to the necessity as well as performance of such services, by the naval officer or surveyor of the district, if any such officers there are:Compensation to the measurers, weighers, and gaugers. to the measurers, weighers or gaugers, respectively, to be paid monthly by the collector out of the revenue, and charged to the United States, for the measurement of every one hundred bushels of grain, thirty cents; for the measurement of every one hundred bushels of salt, according to the weight established by law for the payment of duties thereon, fifty cents; for the measurement of every one hundred bushels of coal, sixty cents; for the weighing of every one hundred and twelve pounds, and marking every cask, box or package, weighing more than two hundred pounds each, except sugar, coffee, pepper, pimento and indigo, in bales, bags, mats, canisters or seroons, with the weight in durable characters, in the districts of Pennsylvania, New York, Boston and Charlestown, and Baltimore, one cent and a quarter; in the district of Norfolk, one cent and a half; and in the other districts, two cents; for the gauging and making every cask, to be marked in durable characters, with his own name, and the quantity, eight cents; for computing the contents of and marking cases containing distilled spirits and wines, three cents per case; for actually counting the number of bottles of cider, beer, ale, perry or porter contained in any cask, or other package or packages, one cent per dozen; and in proportion for any greater or lesser quantity; and the allowances aforesaid shall be deemed to include a compensation for making returns of the goods or merchandise weighed, gauged and measured, specifying the quality as well as quantity; and there shall be allowed to the surveyors orFees to the surveyor or inspectors of the revenue for ports. inspectors of the revenue for ports, the sum of one cent and one half for every certificate to accompany foreign distilled spirits, and two cents and one half for every certificate to accompany wines and teas, issued within their ports respectively; and to the deputies of the inspectors aforesaid, the sum of two cents and one half for every cask, or package, of foreign distilled spirits, wines or teas, by them marked and returned to their respective principals, and for gauging wines, whereon the duties are payable according to the value thereof six cents for every cask actually gauged. There shall moreover be allowed to the several officers hereafter mentioned, the following allowances and per centage: To the collectors of the district of New York, one quarter per cent.;Additional compensation to certain collectors and surveyors. to the collector of the district of Boston and Charlestown, and to the collector of the districts of Baltimore and Philadelphia one half per cent.; to the collectors of the district of Charleston, Salem and Norfolk, seven eighths of one per cent.; to the collectors of the districts of Alexandria and Savannah, one per cent.; to the collectors of the districts of Portsmouth, Portland, Newport, Providence, and New Haven, one and one half per cent.; to the collectors of the districts of Georgetown, (in Maryland) and Marblehead, two and one half per cent.; to the collectors of the districts of New London, Biddeford, Bath, and Wiscasset, two