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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 1.djvu/841

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Specific appropriations.For the purchase of ironmongery, lead, wood, coals, stationery, office furniture, and for all other contingencies of the establishment of the mint, six thousand three hundred dollars.

For compensation to the Secretary of War, clerks and persons employed in his office, eleven thousand four hundred and fifty dollars.

For expense of firewood, stationery, printing, rent, and other contingent expenses in the office of the Secretary of War, two thousand dollars.

For compensation to the Accountant of the War department, clerks and persons employed in his office, ten thousand eight hundred and fifty dollars.

For contingent expenses in the office of the Accountant of the War department, one thousand dollars.

For the expense incident to the removal of the War department from Philadelphia to Trenton, during part of the summer of the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety-eight, including the extra expenses of the Secretary for the department, the accountant, clerks and messengers in each office, three thousand two hundred and twenty-two dollars and forty-three cents.

For compensation to the Secretary of the Navy, clerks and persons employed in his office, nine thousand and fifty-five dollars.

For expense of firewood, stationery, printing, rent, and all other contingencies in the office of the Secretary of the Navy, two thousand eight hundred and fifty dollars.

For expense of removing the department of the Navy, from Philadelphia to Trenton, during part of the summer of the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety-eight, including the extra expenses of the clerks and messengers in the offices of the Secretary and Accountant for the department, four hundred and twenty-seven dollars and forty-eight cents.

For compensation to the Accountant of the Navy, clerks and persons employed in his office, nine thousand two hundred and fifty dollars.

For contingent expenses in the office of the Accountant of the Navy, seven hundred and fifty dollars.

For compensation to the keeper of the navy store, and his assistant; laborers employed in the store, porterage, and store rent, three thousand eight hundred dollars.

For compensation to the Surveyor General, two thousand dollars.

For compensation to the assistant surveyors, chain carriers, axe men, and other persons employed, stationery, and other contingent expenses in the Surveyor General’s department (in addition to former appropriations) nine thousand five hundred and nineteen dollars.

For compensation to the governor, secretary and judges of the territory northwest of the Ohio, five thousand one hundred and fifty dollars.

For expenses of stationery, printing patents for land, office rent and other contingent expenses in the said territory, three hundred and fifty dollars.

For compensation to the governor of the Mississippi territory, and for discharging the duties of superintendent of Indian affairs, during part of the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety-eight, one thousand three hundred and two dollars and nineteen cents.

For compensation to the secretary of the Mississippi territory, and for discharging the duties of secretary during part of the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety-eight, four hundred and eighty-eight dollars and thirty-three cents.

For compensation to the three judges of the Mississippi territory, during part of the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety-eight, one thousand four hundred and forty-eight dollars and thirty-six cents.

For compensation to the governor, secretary and judges of the Mis-