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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/292

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272 THIRTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 30. 1854. goods to be subject only to the payment of such storage and charges as No drawback may be due thereon: Provided, however, That where the duties shall °° was °”°° have been paid upon any goods, wares, or merchandise entered for- conentered for con- . . . . sumpuon. sumption, said duties shall not he refunded Ion exportation of any such goods, wares, or merchandise, without the limits of the United States: And provided méhdrtféer, That theredshall bed no abatemopt of this dfities No abatementof or allowance e or an injury, amage, eterioration, oss, or ea za e g°°*F§.£§€ 1%;* sustained by any goods, dares, or merchandise, whilst deposited in agy g°’ J s'public or private bonded warehouse established or recognized by this act. Goods may be Sec. 5. And be it urther amwted, That any goods, wares, or mer-

;8d;f,:;Qu*:db° ohandise, duly entered for warehousing, may be withdrawn under bond,

,;,3,,;,,,,-,,, without payment of the duties, from a bonded warehouse m any collection district of the United States, and be transported to a bonded warehouse in any other collection district within the same, and re—warehoused thereat; and any such good;, wares, or dmerchandise, may be so transorted to their destination w olly by lan , or wholly b water, or artl hy land and partly by water, over such routes as theySeeretary di th`; Treasury may prescribe, and may likewise beheonveyed over any forei n territo , the government o which may ave, or shall by treat Special inspect- stigulations grant, a free right of way over such territory; and for th; g:;Jg_i£"°*K¤ purpose of better guarding against frauds upon the revenue on foreign ' goods transported between the ports of the Atlantic and those of the Pacific overland through any foreign territory, the Secretary of the Treasur bo, and is hereb authorized to appoint special sworn agents as inspehtors of the custgms, to reside in said foreign territory where such goods may be landed or embarked, with power to superintend the landing or shipping of all goods passing coastwise between the ports of the United States on the Pacino and Atlantic, and whose duty it shall be, under such regulations and instructions as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe, to guard against the perpetration of any frauds rum comm,. upon the revenue, Provided, That the compensation paid to said inspect- ¤***l°¤· ors shall not in the aggregate exceed five thousand dollars per annum. Rogulationsand Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the Trea— P°¤3"•l°¤ wt;¤¤r¤ sury shall prescribe the form of the bond to be given for the transporta· $::.,3 g:,°m OY;` tion of goods, wares, and merchandise, from a port in one collection warehouse w district to a port in another collection district in the United States, as ““°“h°’· provided in the preceding section; also the time for such delivery ; and for a failure to transport and deliver, within the time limited, any such bonded goods, wares, and merchandise, to the collector at the designated port, an additional duty of one hundred per cent. shall be levied and collected, which additional duty shall be secured by such bond, or said goods, wares, and merchandise may be seized and forfeited for such tailure, and any steam or other vessel, or vehicle, transporting such btondgd goods, }va{·es, and merchandise, the master, owner, or conductor 0 w ich shall ai to deliver the same to the collector at the desi nated _ port, shall be liable to seizure and forfeiture. g Existing mm, Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That all leases of stores now held to be terminated, by the United States for the purpose of storing warehoused or unclaimed $$0 ,‘{f,§;L°g;’(;“ goods, shall, on the shortest period of termination named in said leases, ` be cancelled, and no leases shall be entered into by the United States for any stores for the storage of warehoused or unclaimed goods at any port where there may exist any private bonded warehouses, after the 5rst day of July, eighteen hundred and fifty-five : Provided, That nothing herein contained shall be construed to prevent the leasing or hiring of such buildings or accommodations as may be required for the use of the United States’ appraisers for the due examination and appraisal of imported merchaudi e at the ports where such officers are provided by law, nor to prohibit the leasing or hiring by collectors of the customs, for short periods,