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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/300

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280 THIRTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 59. 1 854. Legislative Council, a oint all odieers not herein otherwise rovi . PP p ded for , and in the first instance the Governor alone may appoint all said officers who shall hold their offices until the end of the first session of the Levis; lative Assembly· and shall ley off the necessary districts f r [T of the Council and House of Representatives, and all other ogliqgfgm cm Lg;g$%¤£*;; q{ Sec. 8. And be it further wanted, That: no membenof the Legislative hom wtmn Om. ssembly shall hold, or be appointed to, any offce whxch shall have been o?¤hdun¤g :em creeted, or the salary or emoluments of which shall have been increased, gu Oil:;:;? °"' while he was v, member, durlng the term for which he was elected, and after. for one year after the exp1ra.tion of such term; but this restriction shall U££§°§$mg` not be npplloable to members of the first Legislative Assembly; and no Except §,,,::,,§,s_ person lmlding a. corinugsiou or eppointgnent Ender the United Smeg, ers, no e excep ostmasters s a e a member 0 thelat' A bl ’§§s‘2:fgfyf’f °h° hold any office under the government of said Term?g>l;y. we Sscm y, or The juggcm Sec. 9. And be it farther enacted, That the judicial power of said Exe; Qzzd Territory snail be vested in a Supreme Court, District Courts, Probm;e mdhow m bg Courts, ond m Justmes of the Peace. The Supreme Court shall consist of exercised. a chief_)ust1ce and two associate justices, any two of whom shall constitute n quorum, and who shall bold a term at the seat of government of said }`errit0ry annually, and they shall hold their 05ces during the period of our ez.rs,and u t'l th' hll b‘

my ¤n.c Ln Tam.? ‘m¤°‘£6“`$€$?§Z%” QS mZc“§%%?L?§‘fdd£‘2£J3;T‘§L‘§°‘§

‘ district court shell be held in each of said districts by one of the justices

I    ?£;§8£3P;g?6 ?gu¥& &; suc; lzimciangplaces es mzmy be prescribed bv

mmm md of , _] g s s al , e 1* e1r appointments, respectively, jusnm or the resule m the districts wh1ch shall be assxgned them. The jurisdiction of p¤¤¤¤· tl;B SE;V:;‘&l courts herein provided for, both appellate and original, and t a o e pro ate courts and o justices of the peace shall be as l' 't d P¥°V?¤°· by law: Pmoided, That ustices of the peace shall not,havejurisdictdI<;1n gf enynnetter m controversy when the title or boundaries of land may be gn fdmpute, gr gvhercé the debt or sum claimed shall exceed one hundred

 dollars; an the said supreme and districts courts respectively, shall os-

Jmog msnrck sees chencery as well as common law jurisdictioni Each District Celurt, dub PP° “ ‘ or tg? Judge there? 3211 apgointéts clerk, who shall also be the register

 m aneery, an s a. eep is o oe at the place where the court ma.

&X¥:h¤ $;:£?‘<>¤» 2e3e1d. Vgcrics og e1;·orabé1ls of exception, n.nd appeals, shall be allowed

c;.;e§1 rg x:;  e ; ::1s1;;1s of sind d1str1c%c<3u1Qs {0 th%Supreme

1 s may e prescrx e y uw; ut in no ease removed to the gupreme Court shall trial bb 11 ds `d u gmgwgy court. The Supreme Court, or the justices therglzéugnallg spnollgt il? oivn ,K,,k_ clerk, and every clerk shall hold his office at the pleasure of the court for

§;? ;€ m Xg1cm? §l;al1 ha.ve bee% zéppointedb Writs of error, and appeals from

S*;¤.:~¤::.k°°“a nm. to »f."§’3§i§m¤‘%0u E`£?°E`2 ¤°‘*1”a*§?‘{ ‘°°-°"°L"°“’ ”“°‘ “‘“" "° w u eu r 1 n1 e an es in the same manner 5F8m m- §’€$£"$§§£°§.“;""é.f§§`I}?3§’2§,f5pf£€}“J}‘$b§iL2if¤,$€“r‘2$’Z‘h° U““‘i" J r m n rovers 0

 be ascerta.ined by the oath or affirmation of either party, or other coine-

Exoepnonn. tent vntuessz shall exceed one thousand dollars; except. only that in all o gases égvolwgug tideéosluxgas, the gold writs of error, or appeals shall be _ ow an em e y the said upreme ourt without; revard to the value of the matter, property, or title in controversy ; and except also that e wml: of error or appeal shall else be allowed to the Supreme Court of the United States, from the decmon of the said Supreme Court created

 the act, or of eng Judge tl}ereofQ or of the district courts created by

· ’ xs ssc , or 0 any Ju ge ereo upon any writ of habeas cmpus involv- €u§’$£°fx@“ zz? tléeguastéxon of personal freedom: Providavd that norhing herein coniugco and from ue a. eeonstrued to apply to or affect the prov1sions to the "=1ct ¤1;c;% respecling fugmves from Justice, and persons escaping from the service · · · of them masters,' approved February twelfth, seventeen hundred and