Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 100 Part 1.djvu/31

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PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1986



H. Con. Res. 268.... H. Con. Res. 274.... S. Con. Res. 107 H. Con. Res. 276.... S. Con. Res. 114 H. Con. Res. 278.... H. Con. Res. 304.... H. Con. Res. 305.... S. Con. Res. 127 S. Con. Res. 128 S. Con. Res. 133 S. Con. Res. 126 H. Con. Res. 329.... S. Con. Res. 144 H. Con. Res. 311.... S. Con. Res. 95 S. Con. Res. 142 H. Con. Res. 340.... H. Con. Res. 346.... S. Con. Res. 152 H. Con. Res. 362.... H. Con. Res. 364.... S. Con. Res. 120 H. Con. Res. 325.... H. Con. Res. 326.... H. Con. Res. 368.... H. Con. Res. 371.... H. Con. Res. 374.... S. Con. Res. 161 H. Con. Res. 288.... H. Con. Res. 301.... H. Con. Res. 380....



Joint meeting Jan. 22, 1986 4329 Joint meeting Jan. 28, 1986 4329 Adjournment—House of Representatives and Senate Feb. 6, 1986 4329 Indian students—Department of Education grants.... Feb. 7, 1986 4329 Enrollment corrections—H.R. 1614 Mar. 11, 1986.... 4331 National TRIO Day Mar. 21, 1986.... 4331 Adjournment—House of Representatives and Senate Mar. 24, 1986.... 4332 Enrollment corrections—H.R. 3128 Mar. 26, 1986.... 4332 Commercial tied aid credits—Restrictions Apr. 14, 1986 4347 Australia bicentennial celebration Apr. 17, 1986 4348 John McMahon—Honoring upon retirement from Apr. 29, 1986 4348 distinguished public service. Days of Remembrance of Victims of the Holocaust— May 1, 1986 4349 Capitol rotunda ceremony. Natan (Anatoly) Shcharansky—Welcoming May 8, 1986 4350 ceremony and continued freedom efforts for all Soviet Jews. Adjournment—House of Representatives and Senate May 21, 1986 4351 1986 District of Columbia Special Olympics Torch May 21, 1986 4351 Relay. Consumers Union of United States, Inc.— May 22, 1986 4352 Recognition. Enrollment corrections—H.R. 2672 May 22, 1986 4352 Enrollment corrections—H.R. 3570 June 6, 1986 4353 Enrollment corrections—S. 124 June 6, 1986 4353 Enrollment correction—S. 2414 June 24, 1986.... 4353 Statue of Liberty ceremony—Moment of silence for June 26, 1986.... 4354 American captives in Lebanon. Adjournment—House of Representatives and Senate June 26, 1986.... 4354 Federal budget—Fiscal years 1987-1989 June 27, 1986.... 4354 Berlin—Continued U.S. commitment and July 15, 1986 4371 commendation on fiftieth anniversary celebration of Jesse Owens' 1936 Olympic games victories. Berlin—U.S. commitment to its people and July 15, 1986 4372 condemnation of the Berlin Wall. Enrollment corrections—H.J. Res. 672 July 17, 1986 4373 Enrollment correction—H.R. 3511 July 22, 1986 4373 Adjournment limitations—House of Representatives July 31, 1986 4373 and Senate. Enrollment correction—H.R. 4329 Aug. 15, 1986.... 4374 "U.N. Conference to Review and Appraise the U.N. Aug. 15, 1986.... 4374 Decade for Women: Report of Congressional Staff Advisors to the Nairobi Conference"—Printing. President's messeige—Rescissions, deferrals, and Aug. 15, 1986.... 4374 revised deferrals of budget authority. Adjournment—House of Representatives and Senate Aug. 16, 1986.... 4374