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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 102 Part 1.djvu/111

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PUBLIC LAW 100-281—APR. 6, 1988 Public Law 100-281 100th Congress

102 STAT. 73

' An Act

To recognize the organization known as the Non Commissioned Officers Association of the United States of America.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,

Apr. 6, 1988 [S. 1397]



1. The Non Commissioned Officers Association of the 36 USC 4001. United States of America, Incorporated, a nonprofit corporation organized under the laws of the State of Texas, is recognized as such and is granted a Federal charter. SECTION


SEC. 2. The Non Commissioned Officers Association of the United 36 USC 4002. States of America, Incorporated, (hereinafter in this Act referred to as the "corporation") shall have only those powers granted to it through its bylaws and articles of incorporation filed in the State in which it is incorporated and subject to the laws of such State. OBJECTS AND PURPOSES OF CORPORATION

SEC. 3. The objects and purposes of the corporation are those provided in its bylaws and articles of incorporation and shall include— (1) upholding and defending the Constitution of the United States; (2) promoting health, prosperity, and scholarship among its members and their dependents and survivors through benevolent programs; (3) assisting veterans and their dependents and survivors through a service program established for that purpose; (4) improving conditions for service members, veterans and their dependents and survivors; and (5) fostering fraternal and social activities among its members in recognition that cooperative action is required for the furtherance of their common interests.

36 USC 4003.


SEC. 4. With respect to service of process, the corporation shall comply with the laws of the State in which it is incorporated and those States in which it carries on its activities in furtherance of its corporate purposes.

36 USC 4004.


SEC. 5. Except as provided in section 8, eligibility for membership in the corporation and the rights and privileges of members of the

36 USC 4005.