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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 102 Part 1.djvu/62

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102 STAT. 24

PUBLIC LAW 100-256—MAR. 8, 1988 Public Law 100-256 100th Congress Joint Resolution

Mar. 8, 1988 [S.J. Res. 251]

Designating March 4, 1988, as "Department of Commerce Day".

Whereas the ability of the United States to provide for the economic security of the American people depends primarily upon the vitality of the private sector and the competitive free enterprise system; Whereas the ability of the private sector to generate jobs and a constantly improving standard of living depends heavily on the policies which the Federal Government pursues and the services it provides; Whereas the Congress of the United States, recognizing the importance of these policies and services, on March 4, 1913, reestablished as the Department of Commerce the executive agency created by the Act of February 14, 1903, and directed it to "foster, promote, and develop the foreign and domestic commerce" of the United States; Whereas the Department of Commerce has been charged with many important responsibilities, including the effective administration of the trade laws, providing social and economic statistics for business and government planners, promoting the protection of intellectual property at home and abroad, advancing the Nation's science and technology and facilitating their use for public benefit, working to improve our understanding of the Earth's physical environment and ocean resources, helping the private sector take advantage of commercial opportunities in space, assisting in the growth of minority business, promoting domestic economic development, assessing policies and conducting research on telecommunications, and encouraging foreign travel to the United States; and Whereas the officers and employees of the Department of Commerce, by their dedication, diligence, loyalty, and integrity, reflect the finest traditions of public service and, along with the important work they perform deserve public recognition as the Department of Commerce celebrates its seventy-fifth birthday: Now, therefore, be it