PUBLIC LAW 100-275—MAR. 31, 1988
102 STAT. 53
(2) FLORIDA.—The private lands to be acquired by the Secretary pursuant to this Act are all right, title, and interest of Aerojet (exclusive of severable use rights) in and to approximately four thousand six hundred and fifty acres of land as generally depicted on the map entitled "Aerojet-General Corporation Lands to be Exchanged to United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Dade County, Florida," dated February 1987, and available for inspection in the Office of the Secretary. (c) CONVEYANCE DOCUMENTS.— (1) BEFORE SURVEY.—Lands to be conveyed by the United
States pursuant to this Act which have not been surveyed, or with respect to which any boundary needs to be surveyed, shall be conveyed by an interim conveyance. An interim conveyance under this paragraph shall convey to and vest in the recipient the same right, title, and interest in and to such lands as the recipient would have received in a patent issued pursuant to this Act. (2) PATENT.—Upon being surveyed, the Secretary shall issue a patent for such lands. The boundary of such lands shall be that which was defined in and conveyed by the interim conveyance, except that the boundary may be corrected and redescribed in the patent, where necessary, as a result of the survey of such lands. (3) FINALITY.—The issuance of an interim conveyance or patent pursuant to this section shall be subject to valid existing rights and shall be final and irrevocable. The United States shall not be required to accept a reconveyance or to take any actions with regard to the lands covered by such interim conveyance or patent. (4) DISCREPANCIES.—The acreages cited in this Act are approximate, and in the event of discrepancies between cited acreages and the maps referred to in this section, the maps shall control.
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Patents and trademarks.
(d) TERMS AND CONDITIONS.—The Secretary shall include in any
interim conveyance, patent, or lease subject to this Act all terms and conditions required by this Act. Such terms and conditions shall apply to all subsequent purchasers, transferees, and other holders of any land covered by any such interim conveyance, patent, or lease. (e) LEGAL DESCRIPTION.—Within six months after the completion
Public information.
of an exchange pursuant to this Act, the Secretary shall file maps and legal descriptions of the lands so exchanged (including lands conveyed and leased by the United States) with the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources of the Senate and the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs of the House of Representatives. Such legal descriptions shall have the same force and effect as if included in this Act, except that the Secretary may correct clerical and typographical errors in such legal descriptions and in the maps referred to in subsection (a). Such legal descriptions and maps shall also be on file and available for public inspection in the Nevada office of the State Director of the Bureau of Land Management, Department of the Interior. For purposes of this subsection, the Patents and issuance of a conveyance document (either a patent or an interim trademarks. conveyance) or lease, whichever is later, shall constitute completion of an exchange. SEC. 4. LEASE OF CERTAIN LANDS IN NEVADA. (a) LEASE.—