PUBLIC LAW 100-418—AUG. 23, 1988
102 STAT. 1233
than 180 days after the date on which the petition is filed, the request or resolution is received, or the motion is adopted, as the case may be. "(2) The Commission shall include in the report required under paragraph (1) the following: "(A) The determination made under subsection (b) and an explanation of the basis for the determination. "(B) If the determination under subsection (b) is affirmative, the recommendations for action made under subsection (e) and an explanation of the basis for each recommendation. "(C) Any dissenting or separate views by members of the Commission regarding the determination and any recommendation referred to in subparagraphs (A) and (B). "(D) The findings required to be included in the report under subsection (c)(2). "(E) A copy of the adjustment plan, if any, submitted under section 201(b)(4). "(F) Commitments submitted, and information obtained, by the Commission regarding steps that firms and workers in the domestic industry are taking, or plan to take, to facilitate positive adjustment to import competition. "(G) A description of— "(i) the short- and long-term effects that implementation of the action recommended under subection (e) is likely to have on the petitioning domestic industry, on other domestic industries, and on consumers, and "(ii) the short- and long-term effects of not taking the recommended action on the petitioning domestic industry, its workers and the communities where production facilities of such industry is located, and on other domestic industries. "(3) The Commission, after submitting a report to the President under paragraph (1), shall promptly make it available to the public (with the exception of the confidential information obtained under section 202(a)(6)(B) and any other information which the dlommission determines to be confidential) and cause a sunmiary thereof to be published in the Federal Roister. "(g) EXPEDITED CONSIDERATION OP ADJUSTMENT ASSISTANCE PETI-
noNS.—If the Commission makes an affirmative determination under subsection (b)(D, the Commission shall promptly notify the Secretary of Labor and the Secretary of Commerce of the determination. After receiving such notification— "(1) the Secretary of Labor shall give expedited consideration to petitions by workers in the domestic industry for certification for eligibility to apply for adjustment assistance under chapter 2; and "(2) the Secretary of Commerce shall give expedited consideration to petitions by firms in the domestic industry for certification of eligibility to apply for adjustment assistance under chapter 3. "(h) LJMITATIONS ON INVESTIGATIONS.—
"(1) Except for good cause determined by the Commission to exist, no investigation for the purposes of this section shall be made with respect to the same subject matter as a previous investigation under this chapter, unless 1 year has elapsed since
Public information. Federal Register, publication.