Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 102 Part 2.djvu/691

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PUBLIC LAW 100-000—MMMM. DD, 1988

PUBLIC LAW 100-436—SEPT. 20, 1988

102 STAT. 1695


For payment to the Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance and the Federal Disability Insurance Trust Funds, as provided under sections 201(m), 217(g), 228(g), and 1131(b)(2) of the Social Security Act, $93,631,000. SPECIAL BENEFITS FOR DISABLED COAL MINERS

For carrying out title IV of the Federal Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977, including the payment of travel expenses on an actual cost or commuted basis, to an individual, for travel incident to medical examinations, and when travel of more than 75 miles is required, to parties, their representatives, and all reasonably necessary witnesses for travel within the United States, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands, to reconsideration interviews and to proceedings before administrative law judges, $628,581,000, to remain available until expended: Provided, That monthly benefit payments shall be paid consistent with section 215(g) of the Social Security Act. For making, after July 31, of the current fiscal year, benefit payments to individuals under title IV of the Federal Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977, for costs incurred in the current fiscal year, such amounts as may be necessary. For making benefit payments under title IV of the Federal Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977 for the first quarter of fiscal year 1990, $211,000,000, to remain available until expended. SUPPLEMENTAL SECURITY INCOME PROGRAM

For carrying out the Supplemental Security Income Program, title XI of the Social Security Act, section 401 of Public Law 92-603, section 212 of Public Law 93-66, as amended, and section 405 of Public Law 95-216, including payment to the Social Security trust funds for administrative expenses incurred pursuant to section 201(g)(l) of the Social Security Act, $9,473,953,000, to remain available until expended: Provided, That any portion of the funds provided to a State in the current fiscal year and not obligated by the State during that year shall be returned to the Treasury. For making, after July 31 of the current fiscal year, benefit payments to individuals under title XVI of the Social Security Act, for unanticipated costs incurred for the current fiscal year, such sums as may be necessary. For carrying out the Supplemental Security Income Program for the first quarter of fiscal year 1990, $2,936,000,000, to remain available until expended. LIMITATION ON ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES

For necessary expenses, not more than $3,795,661,000, may be expended, as authorized by section 201(g)(l) of the Social Security Act, from any one or all of the trust funds referred to therein: Provided, That travel expense payments under section 1631(h) of 42 USC 1383 such Act for travel to hearings may be made only when travel of note. more than seventy-five miles is required: Provided further. That $97,870,000 of the foregoing amount shall be apportioned for use only to the extent necessary to process workloads not anticipated in