PUBLIC LAW 101-42—JUNE 28, 1989 103 STAT. 93 SEC. 7. MEMBERSHIP ROLLS. 25 USC 715e. (a) COMPILATION OF TRIBAL MEMBERSHIP ROLL.— Within one year of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall compile a roll of the Coquille Indian Tribe. (b) CRITERIA FOR ENROLLMENTS. —(1) Until a tribal constitution is adopted, a person shall be placed on the membership roll if the individual is living, is not an enrolled member of another federally recognized tribe, is of Coquille ancestry, possesses at least one-eighth or more of Indian blood quantum and if— (A) that individual's name was listed on the Coquille roll compiled and approved by the Bureau of Indian Affairs on August 29, 1960; (B) that individual was not listed on but met the requirements that had to be met to be listed on the Coquille roll compiled and approved by the Bureau of Indian Affairs on August 29, 1960; or (C) that individual is a lineal descendant of an individual, living or dead, identified by subparagraph (A) or (B). (2) After adoption of a tribal constitution, said constitution shall govern membership in the Tribe: Provided, That in addition to meeting any other criteria imposed in such tribal constitution, any person added to the roll has to be of Coquille Indian ancestry and cannot be a member of another federally recognized Indian tribe. (c) CONCLUSIVE PROOF OF COQUILLE ANCESTRY AND DEGREE OF INDIAN BLOOD QUANTUM. —For the purpose of subsection Ot») of this section, the Secretary shall accept any available evidence establish- ing Coquille ancestry and the required amount of Indian blood quantum. However, the Secretary shall accept as conclusive evi- dence of Coquille ancestry information contained in the Coquille roll compiled by the Bureau of Indian Affairs on August 29, 1960, and as conclusive evidence of Indian blood quantum the information con- tained in the January 1, 1940, census roll of nonreservation Indians of the Grand Ronde-Siletz Agency. SEC. 8. INTERIM GOVERNMENT. 25 USC 715f. Until a new tribal constitution and bylaws are adopted and become effective under section 9 of this Act, the Tribe's governing body shall be an Interim Council. The initial membership of the Interim Council shall consist of the members of the Tribal Council of the Coquille Tribe on the date of enactment of this Act, and the Interim Council shall continue to operate in the manner prescribed for the Tribal Council under the tribal bylaws adopted on April 23, 1979. Any new members filling vacancies on the Interim Council must meet the criteria for enrollment in section 7(b) of this Act and be elected in the same manner as are Tribal Council members under the April 23, 1979, bylaws. SEC. 9. TRIBAL CONSTITUTION. 25 USC 715g. (a) ELECTION; TIME AND PROCEDURE. —Upon the completion of the tribal membership roll and upon the written request of the Interim Council, the Secretary shall conduct, by secret ballot, an election for the purpose of adopting a constitution for the Tribe. Absentee balloting shall be permitted regardless of voter residence. In every other regard, the election shall be held according to section 16 of the Act of June 18, 1934 (48 Stat. 984), as amended.