LIST OF PUBLIC LAWS Wf PUBLIC LAW DATE PAGE 101-204 Domestic Volunteer Service Act Amendments of 1989 Dec. 7, 1989 1806 101-205 To amend the Federal Meat Inspection Act and the Poul- Dec. 7, 1989 1829 try Products Inspection Act to authorize the distribu- tion of wholesome meat and poultry products for human consumption that are not in compliance with the Acts to charity and public agencies. 101-206 National Consumer Cooperative Bank Amendments of Dec. 7, 1989 1832 1989. 101-207 To authorize appropriations for fiscal year 1990 for the Dec. 7, 1989 1833 Office of the United States Trade Representative, the United States International Trade Commission, and the United States Customs Service. 101-208 To improve the operational efficiency of the James Madi- Dec. 7, 1989 1836 son Memorial Fellowship Foundation, and for other pur- poses. 101-209 Designating 1990 as the "International Year of Bible Dec. 7, 1989 1838 Reading. 101-210 Providing for the appointment of Homer Alfred Neal as a Dec. 7, 1989 1839 citizen regent of the Board of Regents of the Smithsoni- an Institution. 101-211 Providing for the appointment of Robert James Woolsey, Dec. 7, 1989 1840 Jr. as a citizen regent of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution. 101-212 To designate the week of December 10, 1989, through De- Dec. 11, 1989 1841 cember 16, 1989, as "National Drunk and Drugged Driv- ing Awareness Week". 101-213 Local Rail Service Reauthorizing Act Dec. 11, 1989 1843 101-214 Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania County Battlefields Me- Dec. 11, 1989 1849 morial National Military Park Expansion Act of 1989. 101-215 To provide survival assistance to victims of civil strife in Dec. 11, 1989 1852 Central America. 101-216 Arms Control and Disarmament Amendments Act of 1989 Dec. 11, 1989 1853 101-217 To Clarify the Food Security Act of 1985 Dec. 11, 1989 1857 101-218 Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Technology Dec. 11, 1989 1859 Competitiveness Act of 1989. 101-219 To authorize entry into force of the Compact of Free Asso- Dec. 12, 1989 1870 elation between the United States and the Government of Palau, and for other purposes. 101-220 To make technical and correcting changes in agriculture Dec. 12, 1989 1876 programs. 101-221 Steel Trade Liberalization Program Implementation Act.... Dec. 12, 1989 1886 101-222 Anit-Terrorism and Arms Export Amendments Act of Dec. 12, 1989 1892 1989. 101-223 District of Columbia Police Authorization and Expansion Dec. 12, 1989 1901 Act of 1989. 101-224 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Ocean Dec. 12, 1989 1905 and Coastal Programs Authorization Act of 1989. 101-225 Coast Guard Authorization Act of 1989 Dec. 12, 1989 1908 101-226 Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of Dec. 12, 1989 1928 1989. 101-227 Extending the authority of the Secretary of Commerce to Dec. 12, 1989 1943 conduct the quarterly financial report program under section 91 of title 13, United States Code, through Sep- tember 30, 1993. 101-228 Providing for the convening of the second session of the Dec. 12, 1989 1945 One Hundred First Congress. 101-229 Everglades National Park Protection and Expansion Act Dec. 13, 1989 1946 of 1989.