PUBLIC LAW 101-11—APR. 7, 1989 103 STAT. 15 Public Law 101-11 101st Congress -;fT An Act To make permanent the authority provided under the Temporary Emergency Wild- Apr. 7, 1989 fire Suppression Act. [H.R. 829] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, Wildfire Suppression SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. Assistance Act. This Act may be cited as the "Wildfire Suppression Assistance note. Act". SEC. 2. PERMANENT AUTHORITY. The Temporary Emergency Wildfire Suppression Act (Public Law 100-428) is amended by repealing section 5. 42 USC 1856p. Approved April 7, 1989. LEGISLATIVE HISTORY—H.R. 829: HOUSE REPORTS: No. 101-5, Pt. 1 (Comm. on Agriculture). CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, Vol. 135 (1989): Mar. 14, considered and passed House. Mar. 17, considered and passed Senate.