Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 103 Part 1.djvu/65

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PUBLIC LAW 101-14—APR. 18, 1989 103 STAT. 37 Public Law 101-14 101st Congress An Act To implement the Bipartisan Accord on Central America of March 24, 1989. Apr. 18, 1989 [H.R. 1750] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, Nicaragua. SECTION 1. POLICY. The purpose of this Act is to implement the Bipartiisan Accord on Central America between the President and the Congress signed on March 24, 1989. SEC. 2. ADDITIONAL HUMANITARIAN ASSISTANCE. (a) TRANSFER OF FUNDS. — The President may transfer to the Agency for International Development, from unobligated funds from the appropriations accounts specified in section 6— (1) up to $49,750,000, to provide humanitarian assistance to the Nicaraguan Resistance, to remain available through Feb- ruary 28, 1990; (2) such funds as may be necessary to provide transportation in accordance with section 3 for assistance authorized by para- graph (1); and (3) not to exceed $5,000,000 to "Operating Expenses of the Agency for International Development" to meet the necessary administrative expenses to carry out this Act, to remain avail- able through March 31, 1990. db) DEFINITION. —For purposes of this section and section 3, the term "humanitarian assistance" means— (1) food, clothing, and shelter; (2) medical services, medical supplies, and nonmilitary train- ing jfbr health and sanitation; (3) nonmilitary training of the recipients with respect to their treatment of civilians and other armed forces personnel, in accordance with internationaly accepted standards of human rights; (4) payment for such items, services, and training; (5) replacement batteries for existing communications equip- ment; and (6) support for voluntary reintegration of and voluntary re- gional relocation by the Nicaraguan Resistance. SEC. 3. TRANSPORTATION OF HUMANITARIAN ASSISTANCE. (a) IN GENERAL. —The transportation of humanitarian assistance on or after the date of enactment of this Act which, before such date, was specifically authorized by law to be provided to the Nicaraguan Resistance, or which is authorized to be provided by section 2, shall be arranged solely by the Agency for International Development in a manner consistent vriih the Bipartisan Accord on Central America between the President and the Congress signed on March 24, 1989.