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103 STAT. 40 PUBLIC LAW 101-14—APR. 18, 1989 SEC. 11. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS. The Secretary of State shall consult r^ularly with and report to the Congress on progress m meeting the goals of the peace and democratization process, including the use of assistance provided in this Act. Approved April 18, 1989. LEGISLATIVE HISTORY—H.R. 1750 (S. 760): HOUSE REPORTS: No. 101-28, Pt 1 (Comm. on Foreign Afifoin) and Pt. 2 (Comm. on Amnopriations). CONGRESSIONAL RECOm Vol. 135 (1989): Apr. 13, considered and passed House. S. 760 considered in Senate; proceedings vacated and H.R 1750 passed in lieu. WEEKLY COMPILATION OF PRESIDENTIAL DOCUMENTS, Vol. 25 (1989): Apr. 18, Presidmtial remarics.