PUBLIC LAW 101-26—MAY 11, 1989 103 STAT. 55 "(iiXD if such agency received a pa3niient under section 3(a) in fiscal year 1987, the per pupil amount paid to that agency in fiscal year 1987; or "(II) if such agency did not receive such a payment in fiscal year 1987, the per pupil amount such agency would have been psiid in fiscal year 1987 if such agency had been eligible for pa3maents under section 3(a) and the average daily attendance for such agency for fiscal year 1987 had h J' been equal to the average daily attendance for such agency for the first fiscal year succeeding fiscal year 1988 for which a determination is made under section 3(a).". (e) DISCRETIONARY ALLOCATIONS.—Paragraph (3) of section 5(e) of the Act is amended by inserting the words "subparagraph (B) of 20 USC 240. after "under". (f) APPLICATION DEADLINE.— The Secretary shall consider as 20 USC 240 note. timely filed, and shall process for payment, an application from a local educational agency that is eligible for fiscal year 1989 funds under section 2 or 3 of the Act, if such application has been certified by the State educational agency, was received by the Secretary by March 15, 1989, and is otherwise approvable. SEC. 3. AMENDMENTS TO THE ADULT EDUCATION ACT. (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 312(7) of the Adult Education Act is 20 USC I20la. amended by striking "and except for the purposes of section 313,". (b) EFFECTIVE DATE.— The provisions of this section shall take 20 USC I20ia effect on the date of enactment of this Act. "°te. Approved May 11, 1989. LEGISLATIVE HISTORY—H.R. 678: HOUSE REPORTS: No. 101-2 (Comm. on Education and Labor). CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, Vol. 135 (1989): Mar. 7, considered and passed House. Apr. 19, considered and passed Senate, amended. Apr. 26, House concurred in Senate amendment.