103 STAT. 62 PUBLIC LAW 101-30—MAY 17, 1989 (6) The bronze replica of the Declaration of Independence was replaced in the Rotunda by a bust of Martin Luther King, Jr. (b) It is the sense of the Congress that the bronze replica of the Declaration of Independence should, forthwith, be returned to a , place of prominence in the Rotunda of the United States Capitol where it shall remain on permanent display. Approved May 17, 1989. LEGISLATIVE HISTORY—H.R. 1385 (S. 431): HOUSE REPORTS: No. 101-26 (Comm. on Post Office and Civil Service). CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, Vol. 135 (1989): Apr. 17, considered and passed House. May 1, S. 431 considered in Senate. May 2, H.R. 1385 considered and passed Senate, amended, in lieu of S. 431. May 9, House concurred in Senate amendment. WEEKLY COMPILATION OF PRESIDENTIAL DOCUMENTS, Vol. 25 (1989): May 17, Presidential remarks.