104 STAT. 58 PUBLIC LAW 101-246—FEB. 16, 1990 Television Broadcasting to Cuba Act. 22 USC 1465aa note. 22 USC 1465aa. SEC. 234. VOICE OF AMERICA BROADCASTS TO TIBET. (a) ESTABLISHMENT OF SERVICE.— Not later than 90 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Director of the United States Information Agency shall establish through the Voice of America, a service to provide Voice of America Tibetan language programming to the people of Tibet. (b) AMOUNT OF PROGRAMMING.—For each of the fiscal years 1990 and 1991, programming broadcasts to the people of Tibet pursuant to this section shall occur for not less than two hours each day. (c) REPORT.—As soon as possible in the fiscal year 1990, the Director of the United States Information Agency shall submit to the Congress a comprehensive written report detailing the implementation of the programming provided for in this section. (d) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. — In addition to funds otherwise available under subsection (e), there are authorized to be appropriated to the Voice of America for purposes of carrying out this section $1,000,000 for each of the fiscal years 1990 and 1991. (e) TRANSFER AUTHORITY.—The Director of the United States Information Agency may transfer to Voice of America Tibet Service such amounts appropriated for the "Television and Film Service" for each of the fiscal years 1990 and 1991 as exceed the amounts authorized to be appropriated for each such fiscal year for such Service. SEC. 235. VOICE OF AMERICA'S THAILAND RADIO FACILITIES. The Director of the United States Information Agency may enter into a contract for the construction of the Voice of America's Thailand radio facilities for periods not in excess of 5 years or delegate such authority to the Corps of Engineers of the United States Department of the Army if there are sufficient funds to cover at least the Government's liability for payments for the fiscal year in which the contract is awarded plus the full amount of estimated cancellation costs. SEC. 236. VOICE OF AMERICA BROADCASTS TO THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA. For each of the fiscal years 1990 and 1991, the Voice of America shall provide not less than 12 hours of programming each day for the People's Republic of China. SEC. 237. VOICE OF AMERICA EQUIPMENT ABROAD. It is the sense of the Congress that the United States Information Agency and the Voice of America should take every step necessary to ensure that existing Voice of America equipment abroad is properly maintained and enhanced to prevent deterioration. PART D—TELEVISION BROADCASTING TO CUBA SEC. 241. SHORT TITLE. This part may be cited as the Act". SEC. 242. FINDINGS AND PURPOSES. 'Television Broadcasting to Cuba The Congress finds and declares that— (1) it is the policy of the United States to support the right of the people of Cuba to seek, receive, and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers, in accord-