Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 5.djvu/42

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104 STAT. 3364 PUBLIC LAW 101-624—NOV. 28, 1990 Subtitle C—Export promotion Sec. 1531. Amendment to the Agricultural Trade Act of 1978. Sec. 1532. Amendment to the Agricultural Act of 1954. Subtitle D—General Provisions Sec. 1541. Cottonseed oil and sunflower oil exports. Sec. 1542. Promotion of agricultural exports to emerging democracies. Sec. 1543. Agricultural fellowship program for middle income countries and emerging democracies. Sec. 1544. Assistance in furtherance of narcotics control objectives of the United States. Sec. 1545. World livestock market price information. Subtitle E—Studies, Reports, and Other Provisions Sec. 1551. Study of North American free trade area. Sec. 1552. Rose and flower study. Sec. 1553. Commodity transportation and technology assessment and report. Sec. 1554. Report on section 22 suspension or termination. Sec. 1555. Agricultural exports to the european community. Sec. 1556. Language proficiency and evaluation of foreign agricultural service officers. Sec. 1557. Reporting requirements relating to tobacco. Sec. 1558. Report on origin of exports of peanuts. Sec. 1559. Sense of Ck>ngress concerning rebalancing proposal of the european community. Sec. 1560. Sense of the Senate r^arding multilateral trade negotiations. Subtitle F—Conforming provisions and technical changes Sec. 1571. Amendments to the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988. Sec. 1572. Amendments to the Food Security Act of 1985. Sec. 1573. Amendments to the Agriculture and Food Act of 1981. Sec. 1574. Amendment to the Food for Peace Act of 1966. Sec. 1575. Amendment to the Agricultural Act of 1949. Sec. 1576. Amendment to the Agricultural Act of 1956. Sec. 1577. Amendment to the Agricultural Technical Corrections Act. Sec. 1578. Amendment to the.^ricultural Act of 1970. TITLE XVI—RESEARCH Subtitle A—Extensions and Changes to Ebdsting Programs Sec. 1601. Increased authorizations for, and the extension or repeal of, existing programs. Sec. 1602. Purposes of the agricultural research imd extension system. Sec. 1603. Definitions. Sec. 1604. Joint Council on Food and Agricultural Sciences and National Agricultural Research and Extension Users Advisory Board. Sec. 1605. Agricultural Science and Technology Review Board. Sec. 1606. National Agricultural Library. Sec. 1607. Grants to enhance research capacity in schools of veterinary medicine. Sec. 1608. Grants and fellowships for food and agricultural sciences education. Sec. 1609. Grants for research on the production and marketing of alcohols and industrial hydrocarbons from agricultural commodities and forest products. Sec. 1610. Food Science and Nutrition Research Center. Sec. 1611. Animal health and disease research study and Animal Health Science Rraearch Advisory Board. Sec. 1612. Grant programs for 1890 land-grant colleges, including Tusk^ee University. Sec. 1613. International agricultural science, education, and development and international trade development centers. Sec. 1614. Aquaculture assistance programs. Sec. 1615. National competitive research initiative. Sec. 1616. Special research grants. Sec. 1617. Minimization of conflicts of interest of employees of colleges receiving funds under the Smith-Lever Act. Sec. 1618. Agricultural experiment stations and transportation of virus of foot-andmouth disease.