Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 5.djvu/532

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104 STAT. 3854 PUBLIC LAW 101-624—NOV. 28, 1990 (1) IN GENERAL.—Referenda conducted pursuant to this subtitle shall be conducted in such a manner as is determined by the Secretary. (2) ADVANCE REGISTRATION. —A grower, grower-sheller, or importer who chooses to vote in any referendum conducted under this subtitle shall register in person prior to the voting period at the appropriate local office of the Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service, as determined by the Secretary, for such grower, grower-sheller, or by mailing such a request to the Secretary on behalf of an importer. (3) VOTING. —A grower, grower-sheller, or importer who votes in any referendum conducted under this subtitle shall vote in person at the appropriate local office of the Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service, as determined by the Secretary or by mail to the Secretary. (4) NOTICE.— Each Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service office shall notify all growers, grower-shellers, and importers in the area of such office, as determined by the Secretary, at least 30 days prior to a referendum conducted under this subtitle. Such notice shall explain the registration and voting procedures established under this subsection. 7 USC 6012. SEC. 1917. SUSPENSION OR TERMINATION OF PLAN. (a) MANDATORY SUSPENSION OR TERMINATION.—The Secretary shall, whenever the Secretary finds that the plan or any provision of the plan obstructs or does not tend to effectuate the declared policy of this subtitle, terminate or suspend the operation of such plan or provision. 0?) SUSPENSION OR TERMINATION. — If, as a result of any referendum conducted under this subtitle, the Secretary determines that suspension or termination of a plan is favored by a majority of the growers, grower-shellers, and importers voting in the referendum, the Secretary shall— (1) within 6 months after making such determination, suspend or terminate, as the case may be, collection of assessments under the plan; and (2) suspend or terminate, as the case may be, activities under the plan in an orderly manner as soon as practicable. (c) The termination or suspension of any plan, or any provision thereof, shall not be considered a plan within the meaning of this subtitle. 7 USC 6013. SEC. 1918. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. (a) IN GENERAL. — T here are authorized to be appropriated for each fiscal year such sums as are necessary to carry out this subtitle. (b) ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES. — Funds appropriated to carry out this subtitle shall not be available for payment of the expenses or expenditures of the Board in administering any provision of any plan issued under this subtitle. Mushroom Promotion, Research, and Consumer Information Act of 1990. 7 USC 6101 note. Subtitle B—Mushrooms SEC. 1921. SHORT TITLE. This subtitle may be cited as the "Mushroom Promotion, Research, and Consumer Information Act of 1990".