Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 6.djvu/389

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PUBLIC LAW 101-646—NOV. 29, 1990 104 STAT. 4779 ual phases, portions, or components of projects and operation, maintanence and rehabilitation of completed projects; the primary purpose of a "coastal wetlands restoration project" shall not be to provide navigation, irrigation or flood control benefits; (7) "coastal wetlands conservation project" means— (A) the obtaining of a real property interest in coastal lands or waters, if the obtaining of such interest is subject to terms and conditions that will ensure that the real property will be administered for the long-term conservation of such lands and waters and the hydrology, water quality and fish and wildlife dependent thereon; and (B) the restoration, management, or enhancement of coastal wetlands ecosystems if such restoration, management, or enhancement is conducted on coastal lands and waters that are administered for the long-term conservation of such lands and waters and the hydrology, water quality and fish and wildlife dependent thereon; (8) "Governor" means the Governor of Louisiana; (9) "Task Force" means the Louisiana Coastal Wetlands Conservation and Restoration Task Force which shall consist of the Secretary, who shall serve as chairman, the Administrator, the Governor, the Secretary of the Interior, the Secretary of Agriculture and the Secretary of Commerce; and (10) "Director" means the Director of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service. SEC. 303. PRIORITY LOUISIANA COASTAL WETLANDS RESTORATION 16 USC 3952. PROJECTS. (a) PRIORITY PROJECT LIST.— (1) PREPARATION OF UST.—Within forty-five days after the date of enactment of this title, the Secretary shall convene the Task Force to initiate a process to identify and prepare a list of coastal wetlands restoration projects in Louisiana to provide for the long-term conservation of such wetlands and dependent fish and wildlife populations in order of priority, based on the costeffectiveness of such projects in creating, restoring, protecting, or enhancing coastal wetlands, taking into account the quality of such coastal wetlands, with due allowance for small-scale projects necessary to demonstrate the use of new techniques or materials for coastal wetlands restoration. (2) TASK FORCE PROCEDURES. — The Secretary shall convene meetings of the Task Force as appropriate to ensure that the list is produced and transmitted annually to the Congress as required by this subsection. If necessary to ensure transmittal of the list on a timely basis, the Task Force shall produce the list by a majority vote of those Task Force members who are present and voting; except that no coastal wetlands restoration project shall be placed on the list without the concurrence of the lead Task Force member that the project is cost effective and sound from an engineering perspective. Those projects which potentially impact navigation or flood control on the lower Mississippi River System shall be constructed consistent with section 304 of this Act. (3) TRANSMITTAL OF UST.—No later than one year after the date of enactment of this title, the Secretary shall transmit to the Congress the list of priority coastal wetlands restoration projects required by paragraph (1) of this subsection. Thereafter,