Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 6.djvu/446

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104 STAT. 4836 PUBLIC LAW 101-647—NOV. 29, 1990 TITLE XV—DRUG-FREE SCHOOL ZONES 20 USC 3192 SEC. 1501. DEVELOPMENT OF MODEL PROGRAM OF STRATEGIES AND note. TACTICS. (a) IN GENERAL.— The Attorney General shall develop a model program of strategies and tactics for establishing and maintaining drug-free school zones. (b) ASSISTANCE TO STATE AND LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT AGEN- CIES. —The program required by subsection (a) shall be designed to provide State and local law enforcement agencies with materials, training, and other assistance to establish, enforce, and evaluate the effectiveness of drug-free school zone enforcement efforts. (c) PROGRAM CRITERIA.—The program required by subsection (a) shall— (1) define the criminal justice community's role in creating and maintaining drug-free school zones; (2) develop a framework for law enforcement collaboration with the school system and community resource network; (3) identify a core law enforcement drug demand reduction program plan; (4) provide materials and technical assistance for demarcating and establishing drug-free school zones; (5) create a coordinated publicity plan with the school system and community resource network; (6) identify and develop model drug-free school zone law enforcement strategies and tactics; (7) develop a model coordinated strategy for prosecuting violations within the zones; (8) create a uniform framework for monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of drug-free school zones to determine which strategies and tactics succeed under various conditions and constraints; and (9) provide support materials and exemplary program overviews. (d) PREFERRED APPROACHES. — In establishing the program required by subsection (a), the Attorney General shall prefer approaches to drug-free school zone enforcement that unite the criminal justice community, the education community, and the network of community resources in meaningful collaboration to reduce the availability of and demand for drugs in a drug-free school zone. (e) REPORT.—At the conclusion of the program required by subsection (a), the Attorney General shall submit a report to Congress describing the strategies and tactics that are found to be successful in establishing, enforcing, and maintaining drug-free school zones. (f) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.—There is authorized to be appropriated to carry out this section $1,500,000 for fiscal year 1991. SEC. 1502. AMENDMENT TO THE CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES ACT. Section 405A of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 845a) as Ante, p. 4827. redesignated by this Act, is amended— V (1) in subsection (a) by— - " (A) striking "playground,"; and (B) inserting "or a playground," after "university,"; and (2) in subsection Qo) by— (A) striking "playground,"; and (B) inserting or a playground," after "university,".