Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 105 Part 1.djvu/1033

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SUBJECT INDEX B13 National Visiting Nurse Associations Week 1646, 2487 National Week to Commemorate the Victims of the Ukraine 2454 National Women and Girls in Sports Day 2490 National Women Veterans Recognition Week 1045, 2457, 2744 Older Americans Month 2545 Pan American Day 2517 Pan American Week 2517 Peace Corps, thirtieth anniversary 23, 2496 Pediatric AIDS Awareness Week 297, 2576 Points of Light National Celebration of Community Service 2514 Polish-American Heritage Month 581, 2729 Prayer for Peace, Memorial Day 2555 Refugee Day 974, 2451, 2739 Save Your Vision Week 2491 Small Business Week 2552 Thanksgiving Day 2463, 2755 U.S. —Portugal relations, bicentennial commemoration 2494 United Nations Day 2733 United States-Portuguese diplomatic relations, two hundredth anniversary commemoration 26 Vermont Bicentennial Day 28, 2499 Veterans Day 2712 White Cane Safety Day 2711 Women's Equality Day 2638 Women's History Month 329, 2509 World Food Day 633, 2726 World Population Awareness Week....978, 2738 World Trade Week 2554 World War II, week for national observance, fiftieth anniversary 2564 Wright Brothers Day 2473, 2768 Year of Clean Water 2771 Year of Thanksgiving for the Blessings of Liberty 2772 Year of the American Indian 1286 Year of the Gulf of Mexico 1227 Tariffs Cotton Comber waste, import quota, suspension 2461 Upland cotton, special import quotas 2567 Exports and imports, preferential tariff treatment, modification 2531, 2625 Generalized System of Preferences, amendments 2482, 2484, 2765, 2766 Harmonized Tariff Schedule, changes 2628, 2691 Peanuts, import quotas, modification 2633 Sugar, syrups, molasses, import quotas, modification 2566 Public Lands Missouri, land conveyance 146 San Juan Island, WA, land disclaimer 365 R Railroads Labor-management disputes, settlement 169 National Railroad Passenger Corporation, twentieth anniversary, recognition 184 Omnibus Transportation Employee Testing Act of 1991 952 Ranching See Agriculture Real Property Indiana, land conveyance, release 976 Pease Air Force Base, NH, land transfer 1036 Real estate Appraisals 1792 Settlement procedures 154 Veterans' Benefits Programs Improvement Act of 1991 417 Recreation and Recreational Areas Niobrara Scenic River Designation Act of 1991 256 Springer Mountain National Recreation Area, GA, designation 1668 Symms National Recreational Trails Act of 1991 2064 Refugees Dire Emergency Supplemental Appropriations From Contributions of Foreign Governments And/Or Interest for Humanitarian Assistance to Refugees and Displaced Persons In and Around Iraq as a Result of the Recent Invasion of Kuwait and for Peacekeeping Activities and Other Urgent Needs Act of 1991 290 Emergency Supplemental Persian Gulf Refugee Assistance Act of 1991 247 Retirement See Labor Rhode Island Emergency loan guarantee 2379 Rivers and Harbors See Water Roads See Highways and Roads Rural and Urban Areas Farmers Home and Rural Development Programs, appropriations 897 Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 1914 Rural Telephone Cooperative Associations ERISA Amendments Act of 1991 446 Russia See Soviet Union S Safety Aging Aircraft Safety Act of 1991 951 Coast Guard Authorization Act of 1991 2208 Hazardous substances Rocky Flats Plant operations, CO, relocation 122 Highway Safety Act of 1991 2070 Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 1914