Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 105 Part 1.djvu/860

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105 STAT. 832 PUBLIC LAW 102-140—OCT. 28, 1991 Business Act (as added by subsection (h)), there are authorized to be appropriated to the Small Business Administration— (1) for fiscal year 1992— (A) $15,000,000 to be used for the provision of loans; and (B) $3,000,000 to be used for the provision of grants; and (2) for fiscal year 1993— (A) $25,000,000 to be used for the provision of loans; and (B) $5,000,000 to be used for the provision of grants. Immigration. SEC. 610. REGULATIONS REQUIRED.—(a) The Attorney General shall 8 USC 1101 note, prescribe regulations under title 5, United States Code, to carry out section 404(b)(1) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, including a delineation of (1) scenarios that constitute an immigration emergency, (2) the process by which the President declares an immigration emergency, (3) the role of the Governor and local officials in requesting a declaration of emergency, (4) a definition of "assistance as required by the Attorney General", and (5) the process by which States and localities are to be reimbursed. (b) The Attorney General shall prescribe regulations under title 5, United States Code, to carry out section 404(b)(2) of such Act, including providing a definition of the terms in section 404(b)(2)(ii) and a delineation of "in any other circumstances" in section 404(b)(2)(iii) of such Act. (c) The regulations under this section shall be published for comment not later than 30 days after the date of enactment of this Act and issued in final form not later than 15 days after the end of the comment period. SEC. 611. Notwithstanding any other provision of law: 28 USC 509 note. (a) For fiscal year 1992 and thereafter, the Department of Justice may procure the services of expert witnesses for use in preparing or prosecuting a civil or criminal action, without regard to competitive procurement procedures, including the Commerce Business Daily publication requirements: Provided, That no witness shall be paid more than one attendance fee for any calendar day. (b) The Attorney General is authorized to enter into a lease with the University of South Carolina to carry out the provision required under the appropriation "Salaries and Expenses, United States Attorneys" in this Act. SEC. 612. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, none of the funds in this Act shall be available for General Services Administra-