Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 106 Part 4.djvu/126

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106 STAT. 2862 PUBLIC LAW 102-486—OCT. 24, 1992 or collection of facilities, the t3npe and amoiint of energy consumed, or the technical feasibility^ of making the desired changes. The Postmaster General shall identify and list in the report required under section 165 the facilities designated by it for such exclusion, (b) IMPLEMENTATION STEPS. — In carrying subsection (a), the Postmaster General shall— (1) not later than 1 year after the date of the enactment of this Act, prepare or update, as appropriate, a plan (which may be submitted as part of the first report submitted under section 165)— (A) describing how this section will be implemented; (B) designating personnel primarily responsible for achieving the requirements of this section; and (C) identifying high priority projects; (2) perform energy surveys of United States Postal Service facilities as necessary to achieve the requirements of this section; (3) install those energy conservation measures that will attain the requirements of this section in a cost-effective manner as defined in section 544 of the National Energy Conservation Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 8254); and (4) ensure that the operation and maintenance procedures applied under this section are continued. 42 USC 8262k. SEC. 167. GOVERNMENT CONTRACT INCENTIVES. (a) ESTABLISHMENT OF CRITERIA.— Each agency, in consultation with the Federal Acquisition Regulatonr Council, shall establish criteria for the improvement of energy efficiency in Federal facilities operated by Federal Government contractors or subcontractors. (b) PURPOSE OF CRITERIA. — The criteria established under subsection (a) shall be used to encourage Federal contractors, and their subcontractors, which manage and operate federally-owned facilities, to adopt and utilize energy conservation measures designed to reduce energy costs in Government-owned and contractor-operated facilities and which are ultimately borne by the Federal Government. 40 USC 166 note. SEC. 168. ENERGY MANAGEMENT REQUIREMENTS FOR CONGRES- SIONAL BUILDINGS. (a) IN GENERAL.— The Architect of the Capitol (hereafter in this section referred to as the "Architect") shall undertake a program of analysis and, as necessary, retrofit of the Capitol Building, the Senate Office Buildings, the House Office Buildings, and the Capitol Groimds, in accordance with subsection (b). (b) PROGRAM.— (1) LIGHTING. — (A) IMPLEMENTATION. — (i) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 18 months after the date of the enactment of this Act and subject to the availability of funds to carry out this section, the Architect shall begin implementing a program to replace in each building described in subsection (a) all inefficient office and general use area fluorescent lighting systems with systems that incorporate the best available design and technology and that have Eayback periods of 10 years or less, as determined y using methods and procedures established under