Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 6.djvu/727

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PROCLAMATION 6641—DEC. 15, 1993 108 STAT. 5295 Annex I (con.) - 158- 7. A change to heading 9113 from any other heading, provided there Is a regional value content of not less than: (A) 60 percent «rhere the transaction value method is used, or (B) 50 percent where the net cost method Is used. 8. A change to heading 9114 £rom any other heading. ghw^^^r 92- l.(A) A change to headings 9201 through 9208 from any other chapter; or (B) A change to headings 9201 through 9208 from heading 9209, whether or not there Is also a change from any other chapter, provided there Is a regional value content of not less than: (1) 60 percent where the transaction value method Is used, or (2) SO percent whiere the net cost method Is used. 2. A change to heading 9209 from any other heading. Phapy^r 93. l.(A) A change to headings 9301 through 9304 from any other chapter; or (B) A change to headings 9301 through 9304 from heading 9305, whether or not there Is also a change from any other chapter, provided there l.<i a regional value content of not less than: (1) 60 percent where the transaction value method Is used, or (2) 50 percent where the net cost method Is used. 2. A change to heading 9305 from any other heading. 3. A change to headings 9306 through 9307 from any other chapter. Chapter 94. Chapter rule 1: For the purposes of the subdivisions pertaining to this chapter, when ever the subdivision designation I s underscored, the provisions of subdivision (d) of this note may apply to goods for use In a motor vehicle of chapter 87. Subheading rule: The underscoring of the designations In subdivision 1 pertains to goods provided for In subheading 9401.20 for use In a motor vehicle of chapter 87.