Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 109 Part 2.djvu/852

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109 STAT. 1824 PROCLAMATION 6821—SEPT. 12, 1995 Kodlfleations to the Haraonlze'l Tariff Schadulo of the Unltad Statai (HTS) Sai;tj.on A. Effactlva at 12:01 a.». on January 1, 1994, heading 9802.00.90 is •odiflad by delating the word •which* appaarlni. after "Unltad States,* and by Inaerclng after 'United Stataa,* the expreaaloi. 'provided that auch fabric cenponanta, in whole or in part,'. aaetion B. Effective with reapeet to gooda ent sred or withdrawn from warahouae for conamption on or after January 1, 199S. Ihe HTS la aodlfled aa provided below, with bracketed Matter Included to aaslat In the underatanding of proelalaad aodlflcationi. The following auperaedea •attar In the HTS. The aubheadlnga and superior text era sat forth In eoluanar foraat, and aatarlal In such eoluans Is Inserted In the columis of the HTS designated 'Heading/Subheading', 'Article Description', 'Rates of Duty 1 General*, 'Ratea of Duty 1 Special' and 'Rates of Duty 2'. respectively.- (1) The Rates of Duty 1 Special aubcoluooi for subheading 2106.90.46 Is •odlfled by deleting the rate of duty '3S.S17C/kg' preceding the ayaibol 'MX* In parentheaas and Inserting In lieu thereof 'SS-Siyc/kg of total sugars'. (2) The article description for subheading 291<>.30.10 is aodlfled by deleting "l-(2-naphthalenyl)ethanone; and' and inserting 'l-(2-Ilaphthalenyl)ethanona; and* In lieu thereof. (3) The article description for subheading 2924.21.12 is nodlflad by deleting "l-(2-aethyleyclohexyl)-3 -phenylurea' and Inaerclng 'l-(2-Methylcyclohe]qrl)-3 - phenylurea* In lieu thereof. (4) The Rates of Duty 1 Special subcoluam for subheading 2924.21.16 Is •odlfled by Inserting, in alphabetical order, the ayabol 'K' In the parenthasea following the "Free' rate of duty In auch aubcolunn. (5) The article description for subheading 2924.29.28 la •odlfled by deleting "N-{((4-chlorophenyl)aaIno]carbonyl]-2,6-difluorobenzaaide; and" and inserting 'II-i((^*Chl°>^ophanyl)aainoicarbonyll-2,6-dlfluorobenzealde; and" in lieu thereof. (6) The article description for subheading 292S.19.70 la •odlfled by deleting "N,M'-Bthylenebla(S,6-dibroM>-2,3<norbornanedicarboxiBide" and inaertlng

  • H,N'<Ethylenebis(S,6-dibro^o-2,3-norbomanedlearboxlalda)" In lieu thereof.

(7) The article deacrlption for subheading 2934.90.70 is •odlfled by deleting '2-Hethyl-4 -isothlszolln-3 -one;' from such description and by inaertlng In alphabetical sequence "2-Methyl-4<isothla2olln-3-one;* in the article description for subheading 2934.10.70. (8) Subheading 2936.29.90 la auperseded and the following provisions are inserted in nuaerieal sequence: (Prmltaelm and vUariM, mtur* nitaalm wd tktlr 4»riv*tlvM. unalns:] ndMr vltMlm mtt thalr...:] •MM.».n aiacln •« Msclnarid* frm Kf (Otkwtl • 2V M.Z9.S0 otiMr tn» »»• (9) The Ratea of Duty 1 Special aubcolum for aubheading 3926.90.65 is •odlfled by deleting the rate of duty "3.3%" preceding the eyabol 'HX' in parentheaas and Inaertlng in lAeu thereof '2.5%'.