Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/103

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THIRTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 129. 1856. 83 on the Florida. reef, between Carysfort Reef and Sand Key light-houses, twenty-four thousand one hundred and Eve dollars and sixty cents. For completing the light-house on Ship shoal, Louisiana, to take the Ship 5h0a_;, (L,) place of the light-vessel at that point, thirty-eight thousand and nineteen dollars and seventy cents. For continuing the construction of the light-house on the rocks called Sow and Pigs. the “Sow and Pigs," near the entrance to Buzzard’s bay, in Massachusetts, twenty thousand dollars. For continuing the construction of the light-house on Minot’s Ledge, Minot’s Ledge. one of the Cohasset Rocks, Boston bay, Massachusetts, seventy-five thousand dollars. For restoring the bracing, and repairing injuries to the iron screw-pile Br¤¤dywi¤¤ light-house on Brandywine shoal, by the breaking up of the ice in shim" the Delaware river and bay, seven thousand three hundred and fifty-two dollars and three cents._ For restoring and repairing beacons, buoys, and spindles destroyed or Beacons, buoys, injured by the breaking up of the ice on the coasts of Maine and Massa- &°· chusetts, in Long Island sound, and in Newark, New York, Delaware, and Chesapeake bays, forty-one thousand eight hundred and seventy-four dollars. For restoring lost moorings, and repairing injuries to light-vessels, by _ Moorings and the breaking up of the ice in Vineyard sound, Boston and Chesapeake hgh*""°”“1S' bays, fourteen thousand seven hundred and twenty-seven dollars and fifty-four cents. For the erection of a.“ boarding station " at Pass a l’Outre, in Louis- _ Boarding staiana, twelve thousand dollars. lfgttg Pm “ For fuel and quarters for officers of the army serving on light-house duty, the payment of which is no longer provided for by the Quartermaster’s department, five thousand eight hundred and H.fty-nine dollars and thirty-eight cents. For enlarging the mint at San Francisco, California, forty-five thou- Mint at San sand dollars. F*“°lS°°- For the purchase-money agreed by the Secretary of the Interior to be site for Coin-: paid, on the part of the United States, for the purchase of a lot and S011S;}" Pl“l“‘ building for the use of the United States courts at Philadelphia, in the °p m' State of Pennsylvania, seventy-eight thousand dollars, to be paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated ; but said payment is not to be paid until the Attorney-General’s certificate is produced to the Secretary of the Treasury that a valid, unencumbered title is become vested in the United States. For the purchase of the lot or parcel of land, with the appurtenances Site for postand buildings thereon, belonging to the Bank of Pennsylvania, and par- gHl°gii'* P *1* ticularly referred to and described in articles of agreement bearing date °p a' the twelfth day of July, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-six, for the purposes of a post-office in the city of Philadelphia, two hundred and fifty thousand dollars: Provided, That no part of the money hereby appropriated shall be expended for the purchase aforesaid, until the Attorney General of the United States shall give his written opinion in favor of the validity of the title of said lot or parcel of·land. For the purpose of making alterations required in the building hereby Alterations of authorized to be purchased of the Bank of Pennsylvania, to adapt it to ggrcou b“‘ld‘"g the uses of a post-omce in the city of Philadelphia and to furnish the ` necessary cases and boxes for the same, fifty thousand dollars. That the sum of two hundred thousand dollars be, and the same is hereby appropriated, to enable the President to procure and pay for a site for a. building for the accommodation of the United States courts in court-house in the city of Baltimore, and to erect thereon a fire-proof building for such B*mm°’°· purpose, on such plan as the President may approve; and the further sum of three hundred thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be