Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/165

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THIRTY—FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. RES. 14, 17, 18. 1856. 145 [No.14.] A Resolution authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to modify the Plan of Ang, 1, 1856, the Custom-House at Edsworth, Maine. ;·~····v···· Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives ¢y" the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasury Modincationot be and hereby is authorized to modify the plan of the custom-house in §}_;;6°fa:“sg’,?;; process of construction at Ellsworth, Maine, provided the increased ex- worth, M0_ pense by so doing, shall not exceed the sum of three thousand dollars. And said sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of any money in the treasury for that purpose: Provided, That none of the money hereby appropriated, shall be used until the Secretary of the Treasury has contracted for the completion of the said work for the sums hereby and heretofore appropriated. Approved, August 1, 1856. [No. 17.] Jain! Resolution extending theC?’1`me_[7>r the Creditors ¢y" Texas to present their Aug. 18, 1856. GUNS. _U-"-° Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States ofzimeriea in Congress assembled, That as agreeably to the pro— Extension of visions of the fourth section of the act of twenty-eighth February, eighteen time to PF<‘S¢¤* hundred and fifty-five, " to provide for the payment of such creditors of Tcxas mums` the late republic of Texas as are comprehended in the act of Congress ;gg,5_ ch, 129, of September nine, eighteen hundred and fifty," notice by public adver- Vol. X- p- 617. tisement was duly given for the space of ninety days, by the Secretary of the Treasury, of the time at which payments of the amount appropriated by the fifth section of said act would be made pro rata, on any bond, certificate, or evidence of debt of said State, which should be presented at the Treasury Department thirty days preceding the thirteenth day of June, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, the limit of said notice; and as it is represented by the said Secretary of the Treasury, that of said bonds, certiiicates, and evidences of debt, which have been recognized by the State of Texas, the same, equal to the sum of three hundred and eightymine thousand six hundred and ninety-three dollars and seven cents were not presented to the Treasury Department prior to the said thirteenth of June; Therefore, in order to do full justice to the holders of said debt, the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized to pay to the holders of any of the said bonds, certihcates, or evidences of debt not presented before the thirteenth day of June last, who may present and prove the same at the Treasury Department between the thirteenth day of June last and the first day of January next, and execute the proper releases to the United States andthe State of Texas, their pro rata share of the said seven millions seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars, and after pay- ment thereot, the said Secretary of the Treasury is a,uthorized and required to distribute and pay the residue of the said seven millions seven R¢P¢¤l·;{’1\ hundred and fifty thousand dollars then remaining in the treasury, pro P°”*l°‘ ‘ " rata amongst all the said holders, who may have proved their claims and executed the proper releases on or before the first day of January next. APPROVED, August 18, 1856. [No. 18.] Joint Resolution giving an increased Compensation to all Laborers in the Employ- Aug. 18, 1856. ment of the Executive and Legislative Departments of the Government in the City of ’;""‘—"‘ Washington. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That instead of the compen- M°$$€¤g°i“Si¤ sation now allowed by law, there shall be one principal messenger in gg€g;:?°F;;,:°d each of the offices of the Secretaries of State, Treasury, Interior, War, pay. ’ and Navy, Postmaster-General, and Attorney-General, at an annual sal- Pm, PP- 242. ary of nine hundred dollars, and one principal messenger in each of the 243' Bureaus of the several Executive Departments, at an annual salary of von. xi. PUB.--19