Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/189

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THIRTY—FOUR'I.`H CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 90. 1857. 169 admitted to entry; and all invoices and packages whereof any such articles Packages, Sw., shall compose a part, are hereby declared to be liable to be proceeded ge ;’hI;$ glyga against, seized, and forfeited by due course of law, and the said articles forfeited, ’ shall be forthwith destroyed. Approved, March 2, 1857. Ch.u>. XC.——An Act making Appropriations for the Ourrent and Contingent Expenses of ]\{>-ugh 3_ 1857, the Indian Department cmdfbr fuml/ing Treaty Stipulations with various Indian Tribes, "·—""‘_* fn- the Year ending June thirtielh eighteen hundred and fifty-eight. Be it enacted 6g the Senate and Muse of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be and they are hereby appropriated, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the purpose of paying the current and contingent expenses of the Indian department, and fulfilling treaty stipulations with the various Indian tribes. For the current and contingent expenses of the Indian department, viz : For the pay of superintendents of Indian affairs, and of the several Indian agents, per acts of fifth June, eighteen hundred and fifty, twenty- 1850,.;};, 16. eighth September, eighteen hundred and fifty, twenty-seventh February, 185% 0h- 82- eighteen hundred and fifty-one, third March, eighteen hundred and fifty- ig;} two, third March, eighteen hundred and fifty-three, thirty-first July, 1853; ch. 104. eighteen hundred and fifty-four, third March, eighteen hundred and fifty- gg? gg? five, and eighteenth August, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, seventy-five 18;,610;,: 128: thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars : Provided, That at the discretion of the President all disbursements of moneys, whether for annuities Dgsbummems or otherwise, to fulfil treaty stipulations with individual Indians or Indian how to be wud8- iribcs, now or hereafter to be appropriated for such objects, shall be made in person by the superintendents of Indian affairs, where superintendencies exist, to all Indians or tribes within the limits of their respective superiutendencies, in the presence of the local agents and interpreters who shall witness the same, under such regulations as the Secretary of the Interior may direct. For the pay of the several Indian sub—agents, per act of thirty-first 1854»°h· 167- July, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, ten thousand five hundred dollars. V0}- X· P· 315- For the pay of an additional Indian agent for the Indians of New d.AdT*i°‘;“l I"` Mexico, at an annual salary of one thousand five hundred dollars, and for mu gw s' the pay of two agents, at an annual salary of one thousand dollars each, one for Indians in Utah and one for the Witchetas and neighboring tribes west of the Choctaws and Chickasaws, three thousand five hundred dollars. For the pay of clerk to superintendent at St. Louis, Missouri, per act 1846 ch 34 of twenty-seventh June, eighteen hundred and forty-six, one thousand v01_{X, zo. two hundred dollars. For the pay of clerk to superinte—ndent in California, per act of third March, eighteen hundred and fifty-two, two thousand five hundred dollars. 1852, cb- 11- For the pay of interpreters, per acts of thirtieth June, eighteen hun- V°l‘X‘ Y" z' dred and thirty-four, and twenty-seventh February, eighteen hundred and 1$(;{ fifty-one, thirty-three thousand five hundred dollars. 1851, eh. 14, § S. For presents to Indians, five thousand dollars. Vol. ix. p. 587. For provisions for Indians, eleven thousand eight hundred dollars. For buildings at agencies, and repairs thereof, ten thousand dollars. For contingencies of the Indian department, thirty-six thousand five hundred dollars. For insurance, transportation, and necessary expenses of delivery of annuities, goods, and provisions to the Indian tribes in Minnesota, Michigan, and Wisconsin, thirty thousand dollars. For the employment of temporary clerks by superintendent of Indian nf¥`uirs, on such occasions and for such periods of time as the Secretary of v01.. X1. PUn.—22