Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/238

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218 THIRTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 107. 1857. _ Lew ¢¤¤¤¤¤i¤- For salaries of two commissioners to codify laws of the District of ”°¤°"" Columbia, two thousand five hundred dollars. Reporter. For salary of the reporter of the decisions of the supreme court, one thousand three hundred dollars. District at- For compensation of the district attorneys, eleven thousand five hun- ¤>¤'¤¢>'$· dred and fifty dollars.- Mussels, For compensation of the marshals, ten thousand dollars. Independent Independent Treasury. For salaries of the assistant treasurers of the ¤‘¤¤S¤YY·' United States at New York, Boston, Charleston, and St. Louis, sixteen thousand five hundred dollars. For additional salaries of the treasurer of the mint at Philadelphia of one thousand dollars, and of the treasurer of the branch mint at New Orleans of Eve hundred dollars, one thousand five hundred dollars. 1846, en. 90. For salaries of six of the additional clerks authorized by the acts of 1848, eh. 166. sixth August, eighteen hundred and forty-six, twelfth August, eighteen 1851.¤1¤·62· hundred and forty-eight, third March, eighteen hundred and fifty-one, 1852»¤h· 108- thirty-first August, eighteen hundred and fifty-two, and fourth August, 185* °h· ZM eighteen hundred and fifty-four. For salary of additional clerk in office of assistant treasurer at Boston, one thousand two hundred dollars. For salaries of clerks, messengers, and watchmen in the office of the assistant treasurer at New York, thirteen thousand nine hundred dollars. For salary of a clerk to the treasurer of the branch mint at San Francisco, California, two thousand five hundred dollars. For contingent expenses under the act for the safe-keeping, collecting, transfer, and disbursement of the public revenue, of sixth August, eighteen 1846,ch. 90. hundred and forty-six, ten thousand dollars, in addition to premium re- V<>1- ix- p- 59- ceived on transfer drafts: Provided, That no part of said sum shall be expended for clerical services. For compensation to special agents to examine the books, accounts, and money on hand of the several depositaries, under the act of sixth August, 1846, ch.o0.§ 11. eighteen hundred and forty-six, five thousand dollars. Vol. ix- p· 62- For compensation to such persons as may be designated by the Seeretary of the Treasury to receive and keep the public money, under the 18-16, eh. 90. fifteenth section of the act of sixth August, eighteen hundred and forty- 1853- ch- 89- six, for the additional services required under that act, at the same rates Vol- X- p- 172- provided in the act approved second lldarch, eighteen hundred and fifty- three, and under the same restriction and limitations, five thousand dollars. Inspectors of For salaries of nine supervising and fifty local inspectors, appointed “*;’gg;b‘;*L'·“i06_ under act thirtieth August, eighteen hundred and fifty-two, for the better VOL'}, 61 protection of the lives of passengers by steamboats, with travelling and °' other expenses incurred by them, eighty thousand dollars. G°ll<=°*l<>¤ °f Expenses of the Collection of Revenue from L<1nds.—To meet the ex- {,j’;QQ}‘° from penses of collecting the revenue from the sale of public lands in the several States and Territories, in addition to the balances of former appropriations : i For salaries and commissions of registers of land-offices and receivers of public moneys, two hundred and ten thousand five hundred dollars. For expenses of depositing public moneys by receivers of public moneys, thirty-nine thousand seven hundred dollars. For incidental expenses of the several land-oflices, fifteen thousand five hundred dollars. P°¤l*°¤*l¤”>’~ Peniten¢lary.—For compensation of the warden, clerk, physician, chaplain, assistant keepers, guards, and matron of the penitentiary of the District of Columbia, twelve thousand five hundred and forty dollars. For compensation of three inspectors of said penitentiary, seven hundred and fifty dollars. For the support and maintenance of said penitentiary, {bur thousand nine hundred and sixty-tive dollars.