Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/26

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6 THIRTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 21, 23. 1856. ' 28 . . XXI.—A A t ndut Act entitled “An 4ct_t0 requlate Fees and

 cuéizirs to be allowerzi C;erz;C·°Marsgls(Ef-agzill Attorneys of lhe Czrcuat and Distric: Coun.; of

the United States, and for other Piuposes." Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That so much of the act entitled . lB’!Yt‘?ftJ‘?°”“ “An act to regulate the fees and costs to be allowed clerks, marshals, and aiolujzgji 0 attorneys of the circuit and district courts of the United States, and for other purposes," approved February twentywsixtb, eighteen hundred and 1858, ch. 80. fifty-three, as applies to the fees of jurors, be and the same is herehy VOL x_ p_ m1_ made to embrace the jurors of the United States courts for the District of Columbia. Approved, April 23, 1856. April ao, mss. Cntr. XXIII.-An Aa to aim and amend an Ar-: mined ·*A» Aa to awblish a Oircuit ··—·"*‘—‘ Chart of the United States in and for the State of California," approved March third, 1855, 0h- 142- eiyhteen hundred u.ndf_fZy;j’ivs. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Uongress assembled, That the circuit court of the I Tl¤¤;_¤¤ wd United States for the districts of California shall hereafter hold four gfaggczizfsizis regular sessions in each year, two of which, beginning respectively on in California the first Monday 1D January and July, shall be held at San Francisco, in and for the northern district of California; and the other two be¤inning respectively on the first Monday of March and September, shall be held at Los Angeles, in the southern district of California, and the _ lfpvqgrlsggf circuit judge of California shall have the same powers in relation to his . "“""“ -l attendance on said sessions and the arrangement of business thereat as as f th . . . . . giigiiit jiidgeser are vested in the other circuit judges of the United States by the second section of the act approved the seventeenth of June, one thousand eight pass, cb. hundred and forty-four, entitled “A.n act concerning the supreme court °l· X- P- · of the United States ;" Provided, That the term of said court herein provided to be held at San Francisco on the first Monday in January next, may be held in advance of that time under order of the said circuit judge upon notice previously given in conformity with the second section of the act of which this act is amendatory. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the said circuit court shall Judges of ck- pc ogzr judge og the cg:-cuitdcourtfof1 th; United Stages -t um or e is rtc o x orma, an y the ju ve o the istrict court or cmg;;,,, judge the district in which the court is holden, eitherhf whom shall constitute a to be ¤ qu<>r¤¤¤· quorum; and the said circuit court and the said circuit judge, and eachtof the said district judges within his separate district, when sitting _ Powers of as circuit judge, shall be, and they are hereby, respectively vested with 61t?g5;*;rSg:_':;§° all the authority, powers, and jurisdiction which are vested by existing judges_ laws 1D the several circuit courts of the United States, or the judges bw, ,-,,,,,8,,,. thereoli And all laws, or parts of laws, which now are or may hereafter i¤s:ir1¤*:;*t¢;¤¤rt¤ be enacted, regulating the jurisdiction, process, and practice of the circuit g:i,‘;O$,, Of"' courts of the United States, shall be, and the same are hereby, made Galifomia. applicable to the said circuit court for each of said districts of California. Marsha,. And the manilslial fof th: United States for each district of California shall act as mars a 0 said circuit court for his district and shall attend t only the regular sessions of said courts, but such sjnecial or extra tciiiiis as gray bei held either disgrict, which the said circuit judge is hereby authorize to 0 er in con ormit to the mode directed h the s cond section of the act of which this acl? is amendatory. y B udggatvgovir Sec. 3. And ttfurther enacted, That the clerk of the said circuit Imp rmmiu court of the United States for the districts of California shall keep the stm Francisco records of said court in the city of San Francisco, and he is hereby '{:)>;_gIg°*¤* authorised to appoint a deputy or deputies, whose official acts, signatures, attestamons, and certificates shall be entitled to as full credit as those of the said clerk.