Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/28

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8 '1`HIRTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 26. 1856. Ma 14 1856. Cmm. Xu‘(VI.—A11 Act to amend the Act in addition to certain Acts grand Bmmg Y 1 7*9 1} ’-"""__“‘ Land to certain Officers and Soldiers w/zo have been engeyed in the Military Service of {f53S, :1; Bggi the United States, approved March third, eighteen hundre and_/zjlyjive, 0 . . » » Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representativec of the United States of America in Omzgress assembled, That in all cases where a cer- F<>r5¤9r wi- tificate or warrant for bounty land for any less quantity than one hundred dence ot right be d · L h ll I b . d m ld. bounty md to an six y acres, s a iave- een issue to any 0 cer or so ner, or to the be received in widow or minor child or children of any officer or soldier, under existing °°m¤¤ °”“· laws, the evidence upon which such certificate or warrant was issued shall be received to establish the service of such officer or soldier in the application of himself; or of his widow or minor child or children, for a certilicate or warrant for so much land as may be required to make up the full sum of one hundred and sixty acres, on proof of the identity of such officer or soldier, or in case of his death, of the marriage and identity of 'lns widow, or in case of her death, of the identity of his minor child or Proviso. _ children: Provided, nerertheless, That if, upon a review of such evidence, dmtlflxsl *1: the Commissioner of Pensions shall not be satisfied that the former cer- ,,quh,ed_ y tiiicate or warrant was properly granted, he may require additional evidence, as well of the term as of the fact of service. r ·· Sec.2.Adbe'¢ zh MT m‘ · ·¤ ence %?'T?§¤3l‘» has been radied m'a{“’QaZZS"Zf ’ id·1’“¤I" "`°d°"S"s “'h"° 2-"“““°“ apcnsmn to be r I g y so ner, e evi ence upon ich such ,.,,%,,,4;,, c,,,, piepsion was lgranted lshall be received to establish the service of such am cases cn officer or so 1cr in iis application for bounty land under existin laws- 1 r _ _ . . . . . g %§£l:;;‘5f;’d_°" and upon. proof of his identity as such pensioner, a certificate or warrani may be issued to him for the quantity of land to which he shall be entitled; and in case of the death of such pensioned oiHcer or soldier, his _d uagnedor widow shall be entitled to a certificate or warrant for the same quantity Eilggufn of land to which her husband would have been entitled, if living, upon proof that she is such widow, and m case of the death of such officer or sold1e1·,1eaving a mmor child or children and no widow, or where the widkow may hive deceased before the issuing of any certincate or warrant, suc minor c ild or children shall be entitled to a certificate or warrant for the same ouantity of land as the father would have been entitled to P I recleive if living, upon proof of the decease of father and mother: Pro- Add;‘g:1;§iwi_ in ed, nevertheless, That 1f, upon a review of such evidence, the Commisdmce may be S10¤€Y of PGDSIOHS shall DOQ be satisfied that the pension was properly required. graznteld, he. may require additional evidence, as well of the term as of the ac 0 service. Mt 0§_¢§§g¤2h<if Sec. 3. And be is further enacted, That so much of the third section 207, as reggiim of the "Act in addition to certain acts granting bounty land to certain gscord ii; ence officers and soldiers who have been engaged in the military service of the q ( — 7 , ~ · mp“e“a,°€‘d· United·States, approved lldarch third, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, as requires the party claiming a certificate or warrant, under the provisidnshof said act, to establish his or her right thereto, by record evidence PHO, evidence gh edservice for which such certificate or warrant has been or may be of mm,,,, m,,, 1me , be, and the same is hereby, repealed, and parol evidence, where $,‘;‘;;’°;g°;md ;_*° "°°°¤‘d 9V1d9D0B exists, may be admitted to prove the service perevidwce exim. ormed, under such rules and regulations as the Commissioner of Pensions may prescribe. Act of 185 ich. bSec. 4. find be ot further enacted, That the eighth section of the act ggliyczgugzéujggggd 2u2E3e1g10g23R3g, 8gpl‘0V;d1;3hc third day of lliarch, in the year eighteen Sw., in mV0m- l Seamen nd th y- ve, s a be consrrued as embracing officers, marines, ,,*.:;,,,,,,,},,,,,,,,,),,],1 State 5 a. 0 her persons engaged in the naval service of the United cn·widow¤,&c. f is uring the revolutionary war, and the widows and minor children gf 01:5 aispch officers, marines, seamen, and other persons engaged as Act 0,.1855,c,L SIISFQ fwd 56 it further enacted, That the provisions of the said act gg, eimmded to for exfenh tmhall persons who have served as volunteers with the armed nmeers who ces o the mted btates, subyect to military orders, for the space of