Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/318

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298 THIRTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 82. 1858. Library cfG¢>n- Library of Congress.-—-—For compensation of librarian, three assistant $"S°‘ librarians, and messenger, nine thousand dollars. For contingent expenses of said library, one thousand dollars. For coal, and nreman for furnaces to warm the library, six hundred dollars. For purchase of books for said library, five thousand dollars. For purchase of law books for said library, two thousand dollars. Botanic Garden. Botanic Garden.—For procuring manure, tools, fuel, repairs, purchasing trees and shrubs for botanic garden, to be expended under the direction of the Library Committee of Congress, twenty-three hundred dollars. For pay of horticulturist and assistants in the botanic garden and greenhouses, to be expended under the direction of the Library Committee of Congress, five thousand one hundred and twenty-one dollars and fifty cents. For reglazing and repairing damages to the green-houses by the hail storm of June, eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, one thousand and forty- four dollars and sixteen cents. Public Printing- For compensation of the Superintendent of Public Printing, and the clerks and messenger in his olflce, eleven thousand five hundred and fourteen dollars. For contingent expenses of his office, viz: For blank books, stationery, postage, advertising for proposals for paper, furniture, travelling expenses, cartage and labor in storing and transportation of paper, and miscellaneous items, two thousand eight hundred and fifty dollars. For rent of wareroom, two hundred and fifty dollars. _ P¤P¤1‘f<>1"1>¤‘i¤¤— For paper required for the printing of the second session of the thirty- mg' fifth Congress, one hundred thousand dollars. For printing required for the second session of the thirty-fifth Congress, seventy thousand dollars. Court of Claims. Court of Claims.-For salaries of three judges of the Court of Claims, the solicitor, assistant solicitor, deputy solicitor, clerk and assistant clerk, and messenger thereof, twenty-seven thousand three hundred dollars. For stationery, fuel, gas or other lights, printing, labor, and miscellaneous items for the Court of Claims, four thousand dollars. For commissioners fees for taking testimony in behalf of the government, fees of witnesses and of agents or attorneys to be appointed by the solicitor to attend to the taking of depositions, five thousand dollars. Executive. .Ea:ccutive.—-For compensation of the President of the United States, twenty-five thousand dollars. For compensation of the Vice President of the United States, eight thousand dollars. For compensation to secretary to sign patents for lands, one thousand five hundred dollars. For compensation to the private secretary, steward, and messenger of the President of the United States, four thousand six hundred dollars. For contingent expenses of the executive office, including stationery therefor, three hundred and fifty dollars. State Depart- Department of State.—For compensation of the Secretary of State and “‘°“"‘ Assistant Secretary of State, clerks, messenger, assistant messenger, and laborers in his office, fifty-seven thousand eight hundred dollars. For the Incidental and Ooniéngent Expenses of said Department.—·—For proof-reading, packing, and distributing laws and documents, including cases and transportation, and miscellaneous expenses, five thousand dollars. For stationery, blank books, binding, furniture, fixtures, repairs, painting and glazing, six thousand five hundred dollars. For newspapers, six hundred dollars. For miscellaneous items, two thousand dollars. To enable the Secretary of State to purchase fifty copies, each, of volumes twenty-two and twenty-three of Howard’s Reports of the Decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States, ive hundred dollars.