Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/348

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328 THIRTY-F IF TH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 154. 1858. diSb¤rS9 the bursing agent without any additional compensation therefor': and all laws $°f§;‘;$'th;;tm' and parts of laws in conflict with the provisions of this section be, and Appengs, &o. the same are, hereby repealed. f'°m d°°"°°S ‘?" Sue. 18. And be it further enacted, That in all cases of judgments and

 tgfS8g_1“` decrees, in any territorial court of the United States now rendered, or

prcrie Cwrt hereafter to be rendered, and from which there might be at writ of error, Sgfoxgllhgékh or appeal to the Supreme Court of the United States, there may be pre- '1‘msmy may sented such writ of error, or appeal within the time, and under the other gmebwome ” restrictions limited by lawlto said Supreme Court, notwithstanding such pwgcwdk, ton territory may, after such Judgments and decrees have been admitted into decision of the the Union as a State, and said Supreme Court shall, when the same Is "‘PP°“r decided, direct the mandate to such court as the nature of the writ of Compilation of error or appeal, in their judgment may require. Congressional Suze. 19. And be zt further enacted, That the Secretary of the Senate gfggqzgiamc and Clerk of the House of Representatives be, and they are hereby, di- 0;th_.,·¤Amc,-;c,,,, rected to continue down to the fourth of March, eighteen hundred and gguggsggglcggow fifty-nine, the compilation of the Cpngressional Documents pnlnlislicd by March 4, 1859, Congress, under the name of the American State I apers, in the same with indexes as manner as the first series thereof under the authority of the Act of Conh°§gg;"°"% 65 gross of March two, eighteen hundred and thirty-one, and the Joint Resoy01_’i$_ Zyl: lotion of Congress of March two, eighteen hundred and thirty-three, and Vol- iv- p- 669- with the same particular index to each class, and a general index to the work. And the said secretary and clerk are hereby directed to contract Gales and with Gales and Seaton, the publishers of the first series thereofl {hr S°¤*°¤*°P“miSh publishing the same, not be exceed two thousand copies in number, at a gggigyr 2000 price per volume not exceeding that paid for the first series, to be delivered to the Secretary of the Interior, as the same may be published; and the th£_§§lb"*i°" said Secretary of the Interior, shall place three hundred copies in the Dc- ` partment of State for its use, and for exchange with foreign governments, and seven hundred copies in his own department, for distribution to public libraries in the several States and r.[`C1`1'l{O1`lCS, and hold the residue of the Pmviw copies in his custody, subject to the future direction of Congress: Provided, that the prices or rates be be paid for the printing of this work, shall not exceed those paid at present for the printing of the documents of Congress, including paper and binding, having regard to the quality and Cost not to gx_ value of the material used and work done: Provided, that the cost of the wed $340,000, publication shall not exceed three hundred and forty thousand dollars, and that not more than twenty-five thousand dollars shall be required for the purpose during the next fiscal year. Dipyommc S20. 20. And be it further enacted, That all diplomatic and salaried and s=»1=n·i<><1 con- consular officers who were appointed under the act entitled "An act to

 remodel the diplomatic and consular systems of the United Statcs," apnecessarily mu. proved March the first eighteen hundred and fifty-five, shall have the

gtgigtxmsgw same- compensation during the time necessarily occupied in making the from their pom transit to, and returmng from their respective posts, and while they were of duty. receiving their instructions, as is provided for diplomatic and salaried

°f";°h· gg consular officers in the eighth section of the act entitled "An act to rogul85g"ch‘_§é7,§b_ late the dxplomauc and consular systems of the United States," approved

Ame,;;. ss. August eighteenth, eighteen hundred and fifty-six: Provided, that the Y*‘°“s°- foregoing shall not be construed to apply to any diplomatic or consular officer, who was in office, and at his post of duty, when said act approved March first, eighteen hundred and lilly-five, took effect, except to allow compensation to such officexs during the time necessarily occupied in rcturning from their respective posts. Approved, June 12, 1858.