Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/396

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376 THIRTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 11, 13, 17. 1859. Jan. 19, 1859. CHAP. XI.-An Act authorizing the Bsue ofltegklcrs to the Stcqmshnes America and ""_""_‘ Canada, and to change the Names of sazd Steiznishzps. Be it enacted {gy the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasury bc, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to issue registers for the steamships “America" and “Canada," now lying m the port of Ncxv Names changed- York and that the names of said ships be changed to the “Mississippi " and ‘:Coatzaeoalcos;" and said ships shall hereafter be considered and deemed to be ships or vessels of the United States, and entitled to all the _1Ri£h*S °·¤dP¤‘iV· rights and privileges accorded by law to ships or vessels built in the 1 °g6;,OvisO_ United States: Provided, That this act shall not go into effect until due proof shall be made to the satisfaction of said Secretary that said vessels Proof of owner- are wholly owned by citizens of the United States or by an incorporated BMP- company entitled to receive registers for ships or vessels under the provisions of existing laws. Approved, January 19, 1859. Jan. 25, 1859. CHAP. XIII.-An Act to provide for holding the Cburts of the Uizited States in 1/ze State —;·····—·· of Alabama. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Circuit judge States of America in Congress assembled, That in case of sickness or to hold district other disability of the district judge of the district courts of the United ?gg;*s.l;‘;,h’;” States in the State of Alabama, it shall be lawful for the justice of the or dis&bi§d_ Supreme Court of the United States for the fifth judicial circuit upon notice thereof from the judge or marshal of the said district courts, to hold any of said district courts at `the regular term thereof, or at such special terms as he may appoint for that purpose. Power ¤*__§P€· Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That at any special sessions of the $2;, as ftcgglf circuit court of the United States in said State, which shall be convened lar term. by the presiding judge of the said court, it shall be lawful for the court to entertain jurisdiction and transact business in the same manner, and with the same force and effect as at a regular term of said court. t_€°t E? °°*£*l¤l;° Sec. 3. And be it fu*rt7ze*r enacted, That this act shall continue in force un- IQSL am ’ til the fourth day of March, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, and no longer. Approved, January 25, 1859. FW- 2» 1859- CHAP. XVII.-—-An Act for the Enforcgnent of 1T:[ec}u1nics’ Liens on Buildings_, and so ` j2>r!/z, in the {strict xy" Columbia. Be it enacted by the Senqte and House of Representatives of the Gifted { Wh<>1}¤¤Y wa States of America in Congress assembled, That any person who shall herefgfcvlhaiedldusz? after, by virtue of any contract with the owner of any building, or with the agent of such owner, perform any labor upon, or furnish any materials, engine, or machinery, for the construction or repairing of such building, shall, upon filing the notice prescribed in section second of this act. have tt lien upon such building and the lot of ground upon which the same is situated, for such labor done, or materials, engine, or machinery fur nished, when the amount shall exceed twenty dollhrs. SEO. 2. And be it further enacted, That any person wishing to avail Notice, WMU himself of this act, whether his claim be due or not shall file in the officc and where Sled, f , _ _ _\ _ 1 _ ’ _ 3 d h tt mt _ o the clerk of the circuxt couit for the District of Columbia, at any time n W n Os 8 after the commencement of the said building and within three months after the completion of such building or repairs, a notice of his intention to hold a lien upon the property declared by this act liable to such lien, Lim lost, if no for the amount due or to become due to him, specifically setting forth the notice, amount claimed. Upon his failure to do so, the lien shall be lost. The regggggs *° l’° clerk aforesaid shall file and record such notice in a book provided for ' that purpose.