Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/436

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416 THIRTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 80. 1859. L°¤l¤i*m¤· For compensation of the surveyor—gcneral of Louisiana, and the clerks in his office, four thousand five hundred dollars. Florida. For compensation of the surveyor-general of Florida, and the clerks in his office, five thousand five hundred dollars. Wisconsin and For compensation of the surveyongeneral of Wisconsin and Iowa, and I°“’“‘ the clerks in his office, eight thousand three hundred dollars. OY€S°¤· For compensation of the surveyor-general of Oregon, and the clerks in his office, seven thousand five hundred dollars. For rent of surveyor-general’s office in Oregon, fuel, books, stationery, and other incidental expenses, one thousand five hundred dollars. California. For compensation of the surveyor-general of California, and the clerks in his office, fifteen thousand five hundred dollars. For rent of surveyor-generafs office in California, fuel, books, stationery, and other incidental expenses, including pay of messenger, seven thousand one hundred and fifty dollars. Washingtm- For compensation of the surveyor-general of Washington Territory, and the clerks in his office, seven thousand dollars. For office rent for the surveyor-general of Washington Territory, fuel, books, stationery, and other incidental expenses, two thousand five hundred dollars. New M€Xl°°· For compensation of the surveyor-general of New Mexico, and the clerks in his office, seven thousand dollars. For rent of the surveyor-general’s office in New Mexico, fuel, books, stationery, and other incidental expenses, three thousand dollars. bigpzcs =l¤<1Nc- For compensation of the surveyor-general of Kansas and Nebraska, ` and the clerks in his office, eight thousand three hundred dollars. For office rent of the surveyor-general of Kansas and Nebraska, fuel and incidental expenses, three thousand dollars. Utah. For compensation of the surveyor-general of Utah, and the clerks in his office, five thousand five hundred dollars. For rent of the surveyor-general’s office in Utah, fuel, stationery, and other incidental expenses, two thousand five hundred dollars. Minnesota. For compensation of the surveyor-general of Minnesota, and the clerks in his office, eight thousand three hundred dollars. Mi£;;*;_’;]€*` in 1 For salary of the recorder of land titles in Missouri, five hundred dollars. War depart- War Depart2nent.—For compensation of the Secretary of War, and m213mm_ ,8 the clerks, messenger, assistant messenger, and laborer in his office, 0g5W_ K y twenty-two thousand dollars. _0mc<·> of cd- For compensation of the clerks and messenger in the office of the -l“m"fg°"cm1' adjutant-general, thirteen thousand six hundred and forty dollars. Office of quar- For compensation of the clerks and messenger in the office of the

‘;Y}"S°"’”‘g"“` puartermaster-general, sixteen thousand four hundred and forty dollars.

To enable the Secretary of War to employ temporary clerks in the office of the quartermastengeneral, on bounty—land service, two thousand dollars. Office of pay- For compensation of the clerks and messenger in the office of the m“St°"‘g°""“1‘ paymastewgeneral, twelve thousand four hundred and forty dollars. Officc of com- For compensation of the clerks, messenger, and laborer in the office of m'”""y‘g°“€m1' the commissarygeneral, ten thousand and forty dollars. (moo of ¤¤¥— For compensation of the clerks and messenger in the office of the surg°°°`g‘m€m' geon-general, five thousand two hundred and forty dollars. Ofiicc of topo- For compensation of the clerks, messenger, and laborer in the office of €fg§g;“1 °"' topographical engineers, ten thousand six hundred and forty dollars. Office or chief For compensation of the clerks and messenger in the office of the °"§l**°°*`· chief engineer, eight thousand two hundred and forty dollars. Oflicc of colo- For compensation of the clerks and messenger in the office of the na °f °rd"”"°°‘ colonel of ordnance, twelve thousand two hundred and forty dollars.