Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/455

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THIRTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 83, 84. 1859. 435 and will be governed thereby in the same manner as soldiers in the Subject to Mies, army. &c. of war. Sec. 8. And 6e it filrther enacted, That the following sums be, and they are hereby, appropriated, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise Fmmcmous appropriated, for the following fortifications : ` For fort at Hog Island Ledge, forty thousand dollars. H¤gIsla¤dLedgc. For Fort Knox, Penobscot Bay, twenty thousand dollars. Fort Knox. For Fort Schuyler, East River, New York, twenty thousand dollars. Fort Schuyler. For Fort Richmond, Staten Island, fifteen thousand dollars. Fort Richmond- For Fort Carroll, Sollers’ Point, forty thousand dollars. Fm C*¤'¤>U· For Fort Montgomery, Lake Champlain, ten thousand dollars. Fm M°¤*S°m· For Fort Delaware, Delaware River, seventy-five thousand dollars. mill,,, D81,,W,,,.c_ For Fort Calhoun, Hampton Roads, Virginia, seventy-five thousand Fort Calhoun. dollars. For Fort Sumpter, Charleston, South Carolina, twenty-five thousand Fort S¤¤¤l>i€¥· dollars. For Fort Clinch, Florida, fifty thousand dollars. Fort Clinch. For Fort Point, California, fifty thousand dollars. Fmt Point. For Fort Alcatraz, California, thirty thousand dollars. Fort Alcatraz. For Fort Jefferson, Tortugas, Florida, ninety-nve thousand dollars. Fort Jeiferson. For Fort Taylor, Key West, seventy thousand dollars. Fort Taylor- For continuing the construction of the works at Fort Gaines, thirty Fort Gaines. thousand dollars. For contingent expenses of fortifications and repairs, thirty thousand Contingent exdollars. P°“s°s‘ g Approved, March 3, 1859. Can. LXXXIV.——An Act to provide jbr the Care and Preservation of the Works con- March 3, 1859. structed by the United States, for bringing the Potomac Water into the Oities of Wash- ’—;‘ ington and Georgetown for the Supp? of said Water jbr all Governmental Purposes, and for the Uses and Benefits of the nhabitants of the said Cities. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United PctcmacWater- States of America in Congress assembled, That the dams, aqueducts, water- Wogks is b° Put { gates, reservoirs, and all iixtures and improvements connected therewith, 0h5e:,?;;; which have been, or may hereafter bc, constructed by the United States engineer corps, for the conveyance of the water from the Potomac River, above the Great U' S' A‘ Falls thereof, to the cities of Washington and Georgetown, together with the lands, houses, fencing-water, and other rights and appurtenances connected with the same, and belonging to the government, as also the main conduits, supply pipes, basins, hydrants, fountains, stop-cocks, sewers, drains, receiving basins, and all other fixtures connected with the same, which have been, or may hereafter be, laid down or constructed by the United States, shall be placed by the President of the United States under Under the dithe immediate care, management, and superintendence of a properly quali— rzimgsg 01,2*;,16 fied officer of the United States corps of engineers to be appointed by him iinmgor, who shall act under the Department of the Interior, and who shall make an annual report to that department in the month of November in each T? make Ymycar, to be laid before Congress, at the commencement of their regular mm mpom annual session, of the work, proceedings, repairs, casualties, and expenditures connected with the said water-works for the preceding year; and such officer, as a compensation for the duties and responsibilities imposed Compensation. upon him by this act, shall receive, for his pay as said engineer, no more than his regular pay as an officer of the corps. He shall occupy the necessary apartments in one of the public buildings in the city of Wash- Onice. ington as may be directed by the President, and shall be supplied by the government with the stationery, instruments, books, and furniture, required in the performance of his public duties. And in this office of the engineer of the Potomac Waterworks shall be kept and preserved a complete Records