Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/590

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550 THIRTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 149, 150, 151, 152, 157. 1858. and Company, sureties, composed of L. H. Place and Paul E. Mortimer, jointly and severally in solido. Amuzovmn, June 9, 1858. Ju, 11, 1g5g_ Cnr. CX1Q1X.-An Act for the Rd€¢fofM.{;lhn Sawyer, u Sldicr JM: War of the Bc it enacted Ig the Senate and House of Representatives of the United John Sswgexm Stems of A1iaerica in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Inteh"° °·P°¤¤ *}*1 ¤* rior be, and he is hereby, directed to enter the name of John Sawyer, of §};g‘,,’,f°{;,,,{f’”‘ emma, in the county of Peupbmt, an the sem or Mama, on the roll of ’ revo1utiona,ry pensioners, and pay hirn a. pension, et the rate of twenty-four dollars a year, during his natural life, commencing on the fourth day of March, in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-one. Approved, June 11, 1858. June 11, 1858. Cum. CL.—An Act for the Relief of Willxhm S. Bradford. Be it enacted by the Senate and Ewa of Representatives of the United Wm. S. Brad- »S2atcs of America in Obngress assembled, That, from and after the passage {°"‘l’° P°”'l§“fo”° of this act, the pension now paid to William S. Bradford be increased from $g5l§gzaAst$1&0m the present amount received by him to twenty-five dollars per month. this dm. Am-novmz, June 11, 1858. June 11, 1858. Cnr. CLI.-An An for ¢lwRd£»f»y'Alber¢ G. Allen. Be it enacted Q1] the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Albert G. Allen States of America in Congress assembled, That in the settlement of the gtggmgmqg i“ accounts of Albert G. Allen, late navy agent at Washington, District of ggntl on dis. Columbia, one and one-fourth per centum be allowed him upon the dis- El?-Y€°m9¤t¤ G? bursements of extra pay made by him under the acts of August thirty-first,

§§;";,§},*;*;é,;*}*{1($,§; eighteen hundred and fifty-two, and March jhird, eighteen hundred and

mss, en. 102. fiftzy-three, to the officers, seamen, and marines who had served ou the Vol. x. pp. 100, Pacific coasts of Mexico and California, deducting therefrom such amount 2% as may be due from him to the United States. APPROVED, June 11, 1858. June 11, 1858. CHL?. CLH.—An Gd for gm Cglegieé tgté Jermett g3ntllcCu'€, only Cb17d q/' Captain ··—·········· umes c , a e u ry ar. Bc it enacted by the Senatfand House of Representatives of the United $2,100 to be States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the §;;g3}*”°°* H· Treasury bc, end he is hereby, directed to pay to J ennett H. McCall, only cluld of Captain James McCall, of General P1ckeus’ brigade, m the South Carolina regiment, during the war of the Revolution, the seven years' halfpay of a captain, as allowed by the resolution of Congress passed August twenty-fourth, one thousand seven hundred and exghty, amounting to two thousand one hundred dollars; the said sum to be paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. Approved, June 11, 1858. June 12, 1858. CHAP. CLVII.-An Act granting a Pension to Benhh Wnyht, of New York. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Bermh Wright States of Amerzczz m Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Intel£1$';*;n%‘;“t;‘°“ rior be, and he is hereby, directed to place the name of Beriah Wriglnt, {mm pcb_ 16; of New York, upon the roll of invalid pensioners of the United States, and 1858. pay to him a. pension at the rate of four dollars per month, from the sixtecnth day of February, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight, during his natural life. _ A.1>1·R0vm;·, June 12, 1858.