Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/679

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TREATY WITII THE CHIPPEWAS. AUG. 2, 1855. 635 ARTICLE 7. This agreement shall be obligatory and binding on the contracting parties as soon as the same shall be ratified by the President and Senate of the United States. In testimony whereof, the said George W. Manypenny and the said Henry C. Gilbert, commissioners as aforesaid, and the undersigned, chiefs and headmen of the Chippewas of Saginaw, and of Swan Creek and Black River, have hereto set their hands and seals at the city of Detroit, the day and year Erst above written. GEO. W. MANYPENNY, [L. s.] HENRY C. GILBERT, [L. s.] Commissioners. Brennan M. Smru, J. Loom: Cmrman, Secretaries. Saginaw Bands. OT-TAW-ANCE, chief, his x mark. [L. s.] 0-SAW-WAW-BUN, chief, his x mark. [L. s.] NANCK-CHE-GAW-ME, chief, his x mark. [L. s.] KAW—GAY-GE-ZIIICK, chief, his x mark. [L. S.] SHAW-SHAW-WAY-NAY-BEECE, chief, his x mark. [L. s.] PE-NAY-SE-WAW-BP], chief, his x mark. [L. S.] NAW—WE-GE-ZHICK, chieh his x mark. [L. s.] SAW-GAW-CHE-WAY-O-SAY, chief, his x mark. [L. s. NAW-TAW-WAY, chief, his x mark. L. s.] WAIN—GE-GE-ZHICK, chief, his x mark. L. s.] CAW—LIE-SQUAW-BAY-NO-KAY, chief, his x mark. L. s.] PE-TWAY-WE·TUM, headman, his x mark. L. S. KAY-BAY-GUO-UM, headman, his x mark. L. s. PAY—BAW-MAW-SHE, headman, his x mark. L. s. AW-BE-TAW—QUOT, headman, his x mark. L. s. AISH-QUAY-GO—NAY-BE, headman, his x mark. L. s. PAY-ME—SAW~AW, headman, his x mark. L. s. AW-TAW-WE—GO-NAY-BE, headman, his x mark. L. s.] PAY-SHE-NIN-NE, headman, his x mark. [L. s. Swan Greek and Black River Band. PAY-ME-QUO-UN G, chief, his x mark. [L. S.] NAY-GE-ZHICK, heaclman, his x mark. [L. S. MAW-CHE-CHE-WON, headman, his x mark. [L. s. Executed in the presence of G. D. W1r.L1AMs, Gnonen Sivurn, W. H. COLLINS, Mnnassnn Hioxnr, P. O. Jonnson, Josnrn F. MARSAL, JN0. M. D. Jormsron, Cnns. H. Rom), Interpreters. L. M. M012r1N, And whereas the said treaty having been submitted to the Senate of the United States for its constitutional action thereon, the Senate did, on the fifteenth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-six, advise and consent to the ratification of the same, by a resolution in the words and figures following, to wit: