Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/704

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660 TREATY WITH THE BLACKFOOT INDIANS. Ocr. 17, 1855. um or the mm. intoxicating liquor, and to prevent their people from drinking the same. d\£°§i°¤ of ¤¤1°¤*· Therefore it is provided, that any Indian belonging to said tribes who is mms` guilty of bringing such liquor into the Indian country, or who drinks liquor, may have his or her proportion of the annuities withheld from him or her, for such time as the President may determine. This treaty to ARTICLE 14.. The aforesaid nations and tribes of Indians, west of the zgmm fuil f" Rocky Mountains, parties to this treaty, do agree, in consideration of the pensation. _ _ , , , , provisions already made for them ID existing treaties, to accept the guarantees of the peaceful occupation of their hunting-grounds, east of the Rocky Mountains, and of remuneration for depredations made by the other tribes, pledged to be secured to them in this treaty out of the annuities of said tribes, in full compensation for the concessions which they, in common with the said tribes, have made in this treaty. The Indians east of the Mountains, parties to this treaty, likewise recognize and accept the guarantees of this treaty, in full compensation for the injuries or depredations which have been, or may be committed by the aforesaid tribes, west of the Rocky Mountains. Annuities mg, ALRTICLE 15. The annuities of the aforesaid tribes shall not be taken 50};;* *¤k°¤ M to pay the debts of individuals. ° ‘ ARTICLE 16. This treaty shall be obligatory upon the aforesaid nations and tribes of Indians, parties hereto, from the date hereof, and upon the gnited States as soon as the same shall be ratified by the President and enate. In testimony whereof the said A. Cumming and Isaac I. Stevens, commissioners on the part of the United States, and the undersigned chiefs, headmen, and delegates of the aforesaid nations and tribes of Indians, parties to this treaty, have hereunto set their hands and seals at the place and on the day and year hereinbefore written. A. CUMMING. [L. s.] ISAAC I. STEVENS. [L. s.] Piegans. NEE-TI-NEE, or “ the only chief," now called the Lame Bull, his x mark. [L. s. l\I(g)$IVNgAIIgI CHIEF, his x mark. [L. sa L It , his x mark. L. s. LITTLE GRAY HEAD, his x mark. L. s. LITTLE DOG-, his x mark. L. sgi BIG SNAKE, his x mark. L. s.]

  AD his x mark. [L. s.]
  • , his x mark. L. s.

KITCH-EEPONE-ISTAH, his x mark. [L. s.] MIDDLE SITTER, his x mark. [L. s.} Bloods. ONIS—TAY-SAY-NAH-QUE~IM, his x mark. [L. s.] THE FATHER OF ALL CHILDREN, his x mark. L. s. THE BULL’S BACK FAT, his x mark. IL. s. HEAVY SHIELD, his x mark. [L. s. NAH—TOSE-ONIS'IAH, his x mark. [L. s. THE CALF SHIRT, his x mark. [L. sd Gros `Vbntres. BEAR/S SHIRT, his x mark. L. s. LITTLE SOLDIER, his x mark. L. sg STAR ROBE, his x mark. L. s.]