Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/76

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56 THIRTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 127. 1856. his post and enter upon his official duties, to the time when he shall cease to hold such office, and for such time as shall be actually and necessarily § ,}**57- °h‘ 1°7· occupied in receiving his instructions, not to exceed thirty days, and in Poet, p. 220. making the transit between the place of his I‘€S1dBl'lCC,-Wiléfl appointed, 1858, ch- 15% and his post of duty, at the commencement and termination of the period

  • 2;)%, 32, of his oficial service, for which he shall in all cases be allowed and paid,

` P. except as hereinafter mentioned, and no person shall be deemed to hold any such office after his successor shall be appointed and actually enter upon the duties of his office at his post of duty, nor after his official residence at such post shall have terminated if not so relieved; but no such allowance or payment shall be made to any consul general, consul, or commercial agent, contemplated by the fourth section of this act, or to any vice consul, vice commercial agent, deputy consul, or consular agent, for the time so occupied in receiving instructions, or in such transit as aforesaid ; nor shall any such onicer, as is referred to in this section, be allowed compensation for the time so occupied in such transit, at the termination of the period of his official service, if he shall have resigned or been recalled therefrom for any malfeasance in his office. Wh,,,, ,, d,,,l,,_ Sec. 9. And be it_fiu·¢lwr enacted, That when to any diplomatic otiiee matic omeer re- held by any person there shall be superadded another, such person shall sgggzxcggdf be allowed additional compensation for his services, in such superadded have half the office, at the rate of fifty per centum of the amount allowed by this act PW of the added for such superadded office, and such superadded office shall be deemed to °m°°' continue during the time to which it is limited by the terms thereof, and for such time as shall be actually and necessarily occupied in making the transit between the two posts of duty, at the commencement and termination of the period of such superadded office so limited, and no longer. mgggy {1% izscrgg Sec. 10. find be it further enacted, That for such time as any secrech,,géd,,,,,·f,ms_ tary of legation shall be lawfully authorized to act as charge d’ai1`aires ad interim at the post to which he shall have been appointed, he shall be entitled to receive compensation at the rate allowed by this act for a chargé d’afi'aires at such post; but he shall not be entitled to receive, for such time, the compensation allowed for his services as secretary of egation. Pay of eonsu. Sec. 11. And be it further enacted, That for such time as any con-

sular officer shall be authorized, pursuant to the provisions of this act, to

matic %,,,,,,¤§,,S_ perform diplomatic functions, in the absence of the regular diplomatic officer in the country to which he shall be appointed, he shall be entitled, in addition to his compensation as such consular officer, to receive compensation for his services while so authorized, at the rate allowed by this act for a secretary of legation in such country. When consular Sec. 12. And be it further enacted, That no consular officer shall gg§*;'j,,¤;:r3;l exercise diplomatic functions, or hold any diplomatic correspondence or fu,,ct,,,,,g_ relation on the part of the United States, in, with, or to the government or country to which he shall be appointed, or any other country or government, when there shall be in such country any officer of the United States authorized to perform diplomatic functions therein, nor in any case, unless expressly authorized by the President so to do. wgorgpe ogg- Sec. 13. rind be it further enacted, That every consul general, consul, mpg Bm, L‘;m_ and commercial agent, appointed before, and retained in office after this merciai agents. act shall take effect, shall, without unnecessary delay, and every such officer, appointed after this act shall take efect, shall, before he receives his commission or enters upon the duties of his office, enter into a bond to the United States with such sureties, who shall be permanent residents of the United States, as the Secretary of State shall approve, in a penal sum not less than one thousand, nor more than ten thousand dollars, and 1n such form as the President shall prescribe, conditioned for the true and faithful accounting for, paying over, and delivering up of all fees, moneys. goods, effects, books, records, papers, and other property which shall