Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/782

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738 TREATY WITH THE SENECA INDIANS. Novnmnna 5, 1857. Headmcm. JOHN x SMITH. WM x ALICK. SMALL x PETER. WM. x S'I`EWART. JOHN x BEAVER. ANDREW x BLACKCHIEF. JOHN x FARMER. JOHN x INFANT. TOMMY x WHITE. WM. x TAYLOR. JOHN x GRIFFIN. JAMES x BILLY. GEO. x MOSES. DANL. x PETER. HENRY x MOSES. JOHN x HILL. SAML. x BLUE SKY. JOHN x JONES. JAMES x SCROGGS. JOHN x SHANKS. MONROE x JONAS. LEVI x PARKER. WM. x JOHNSON. JOHN x JEMISON. JACKSON x GROUND. CHAUNCEY x ABRAM. HARRISON X SCROGG.. Signed in open council, in presence of- FREDERICK FOLLETT. NICHOLSON H. PARKER, UZ S. Bztewpreler. m§:1F•8l:l¤m°¤*¤l And whereas certain supplemental articles of agreement and conven- ' tion were also concluded at the meeting-house, on the Tonawanda reservation, in the county of Genesee and State of New York, on the fifth day NW- 5. 1857- of November, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven, between Charles E. Mix, commissioner on behalf of the United States, and the following persons duly authorized thereunto by the Tonawanda band of Seneca Indians, viz 1 Jabcz Ground, Jesse Spring, Isaac Shanks, George Sky, and Ely S. Parker—which supplemental articles are in the words and ligures following, to wit: Supplemental articles of agreement and convention made this fifth day of November, in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven, at the meeting-house on the Tonawanda reservation, in the county of Genesee, State of New York, between Charles E. Mix, commis—ioner on behalf of the United States, of the first part, and the following persons duly authorized thereunto by the Tonawanda band of Seneca Indians, viz: Jabez Ground, Jesse Spring, Isaac Shanks, George Sky, and Ely S. Parker, of the second part. Whereas, at the date hereof and concurrent with the execution of this instrument, articles of agreement and convention have been entered into between the parties aforesaid, in and by which articles it is provided that the said Tonawanda band of Seneca Indians may purchase portions of the Tonawanda reservation, " upon the express condition that the rate of pur- ·A"“> P· 78°· chase shall not exceed $$20 per acre on an average." And whereas the President of the United States may deem it discreet and expedient that certain portions of said reservation, held in severalty by the assigns of said Ogden and Fellows, should be purchased by said Indians if it shall be necessary so to do, at a rate exceeding $20 per acre _ on an average. er1;;::;?,",;;` T? Now, therefore, me said parties of the second part agree, that portions y s . . . . bought fm- more of sand reservation may be purchased by the authorized agents of said than $20 P°¤' Indians for them, and paid for out of said sum of $256,000, at a rate ex- °°r°’ m&'°' ceeding $20 per acre on an average, provided the contract or contracts therefor shall be first submitted to and approved by the President, or some public officer to be designated by him. And the said parties of the second part solicit the President to accept and adopt this supplement as a part of the said articles of agreement and convention entered into concurrent with the execution of this agreement.