748 TREATY WITH YANCTON TRIBE OF SIOUX. APRIL 19, 1858. said, and the undersigned chiefs, delegates, and representatives of the said SlB¤°·*¤¤’€S· tribe of Yancton Indians, have hereunto set their hands and seals at the place and on the day first above written. CHARLES E. MIX, Oommissioner. [L. s.] PA-LA-NE-APA-PE, or the Man that was struck by the Rec, his x mark. [L. s.] MA-TO-SA-BE-CHE-A, or the Smutty Bear, his x mark [L. s.] CHARLES F. PICOTTE, or Eta—ke—cha, [L. S.] TA—TON·KA-WETE-CO, or the Crazy Bull, his x mark. [L. s.] PSE-CHA·WA-KEA, or the Jumping Thunder, his x mark. [L. s.] MA-RA-HA-TON, or the Iron Horn, his x mark [L. S.] NOMBE-KAH-PAH, or One that knocks down two, his x mark. [L. s.] TA—TON·KA—E-YAH-KA, or the Fast Bull, his x mark. [L. s.;} A-HA-KA MA-NE, or the Walking Elk, his x mark. [L. s.; A—HA-KA-NA-ZHE, or the Standing Elk, his x mark. [L. s.] A-HA-KA-HO-CHE-CHA, or the Elk with a bad voice, his x mark. [L. s.] CHA-TON-WO-KA-PA, or the Grabbing Hawk, his x mark. [L. s.] E-HA—WE-CHA·SIIA, or the Owl Man, his x mark. [L. s.] PLA-SON-WA—KAN-NA—GE, or the White Medicine Cow that stands, by his duly authorized delegate and representative, Charles F. Picotte. [L. s.] MA-GA-SCHA-CHE-KA, or the Little Wliite Swan, by his duly authorized delegate and representative, Charles F. Picotte. [L. s.] O-KE-CHE—LA—WASlI-TA, or the Pretty Boy, by his duly authorized delegate and representative, Chas. F. Picotte. [L. s.] Executed in the presence of— A. H. REDFIELD, Agent. J. B. S. TODD, THEOPHILE BRUGUIER, JOHN DOWLING, FR. SCHMIDT, JOHN W. WELLS, D. WALKER, E. B. GRAYSON, S. J. JOHNSON, GEORGE P. MAPES, H. BITTINGER, D. C. DAVIS, ZEPHIER RONCONTRE, his x mark, U S. Interpreter. Witness: J. B. S. TODD, PAUL DORAIN, his x mark. CHARLES RULO, his x mark. Witness: J. B. S. TODD. And whereas, the said treaty having been submitted to the Senate of Consent of wk the United States for its constitutional action thereon, the Senate did, on mt the 16th day of February, one thousand eight hundred and riftymine, Feb- 16- 1859- advise and consent to the ratification of its articles by the following resolution: IN Exrzcurrvm Snssrox, SENATE or run UNITED Sums, February 16, 1859. Resolved, (two thirds of the senators present concurring,) That the
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