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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/796

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752 APPENDIX. PROCLALIATIONS. Nos. 1, 2. the location of one part of the said District of ten miles square, shall be found by running four lines of experiment in the following manner, that is to say, running from the Court-house of Alexandria in Virginia, due southwest half a mile, and thence a due southeast course, till it shall strike Hunting Creek, to fix the beginning of the said four lines of experiment: Then beginnin the first of the said four lines of experiment at the point on Hunting Creek, wghere the said southeast course shall have struck the same, and running the said first line due northwest ten miles: thence the second line into Maryland due northeast ten miles: thence the third line due southeast ten gies: ang thlgnce the fourth line due southwest ten miles, to the beginning on untin me . Certain terrl— And Ike said four lines of experiment being so run, I do hereby declare and "’*d;§ $$3 make known, that all that part within the said four lines of €XB61'llD€¤l3 which t31H,;;;}; gp be shall be within the State of Maryland and above the Eastern ranch, and all pan 0; {ho D3,. that part within the same four lines of experiment which shall be within the ti-ict of Colum— Commonwealth of Virginia, and above a line to be run from the point of land bis, and to be forming the Upper Cape of the mouth of the Eastern Branch due southwest, ““"*Y°d‘ and no more, is now fixed upon, and directed to be surveyed, defined, hunted and located for a part of the said District accepted by the said act of Congress for the permanent seat of the Government of the United States; (hereby expressly reserving the direction of the survey and location of the remaining part of the said District, to be made hereafter contiguous to such part or parts of the present location as is or shall be agreeable to law.) Lim, to be 1.,,,, And I do accordingly direct the said commissioners, appointed agreeahly to mdmpol-unda, the tenor of the said act, to proceed forthwith to run the said lines of ex eriment, and the same being run, to survey, and by proper metes and bound; to define and limit the part within the same, which is hereinbeforc directed for immediate location and acceptance; and thereof to make due report to me, under their hands and seals. In testimony whereof, I have caused the seal of the United States to be affixed to these presents, and signed the same with my hand. Done [L. s.] at the city of Philadelphia, the twenty-fourth day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety-one, and of the independence of the United States the fifteenth. GEO. WVASHINGTON. BY THE PRESIDENT : THOMAS JEFFERSON. No. 2. Rcspectiwg the Acts of James O’FaZZOn in Kentucky. Mareh19, 1791. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION. Preamble_ WHEREAS it hath been represented to me, that James O’Fallon is levying an armed force in that part of the State of Virginia which is called Kentucky, disturbs the public peace, and sets at defiance the treaties of the United States 1790* °h‘ 33* with the Indian tribes, the act of Congress, intituled “An act to regulate trade _ and intercourse with the Indian tribes," and my proclamations of the fourteenth V°l‘ “P' I3?' and twenty-sixth days of August last, founded thereon ;* And it is my earnest desire that those who have incautiously associated themselves with the said All f°rS;‘“; James O’Fall0n, may be warned of their danger, I have therefore thought Gt to 2;%% $:3; 8,,;, publish this proclamation, hereby declaring that all persons violating the treaties or the Indian 1 and act aforesaid, shall be prosecuted with the utmost rigor of the law. _ ¤‘¢¤·¤i¤¤· And I do, moreover, require all officers of the United States whom it may concern, to use their best exertions to bring to justice any persons offending in the premises. In testimony whereof I have caused the seal of the United Suites to be affixed to these presents, and signed the same with my hand.

* These proclamations have been lost from the files.