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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/802

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758 APPENDIX. PROCLAMATION. N 0. 9. No. 9. Suspmding, as to S?. Domingo, the Restraints of dw Ac! of 1799, ch. . June 26, 1799. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION. Preamble. Wrmkmss by an act of the Congress of the United States, passed the ninth day of February last, entitled "An act further to suspend the commercial in- 1799,eh.2,§4. tercourse between the United States and France, and the dependencies thereof;" it is provided,“That at any time after the passilmglof this act, it shall be lawful VOL '· P· 615- for the President of the United States, if he s deem it expedient and consistent with the interests of the United States, by his order, to remit and discontinue for the time being, the restraints and prohibitions by the said act imposed, either with respect to the French Repu lic, or to any island, port o1· place, belonging to the said Republic, with which a commercial intercourse may safely be renewed; and also to revoke such order whenever in his opinion the interest of the United States shall require; and he is authorized to make proclamation thereof accordingly. And whereas the arrangements which have been made at St. Domingo for the safety of the commerce of the United States, and for the admission of American vessels into certain ports of that island, do in my opinion, render it expedient and] for hthe interest of the United States to renew a commercial intercourse wit suc orts. Restraints sus- 'l`herefoi·)e, I, JOHN ADAMS, President of the United States, by virtue of pended M W TS- the powers vested in me by the above recited act, do hereby remit and discon- “Pd °f SE, D°‘ tinue the restraints and prohibitions therein contained, within the limits and

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.2g$,L_ under the regulations here following, to wit

mms, 1. It shall be lawful for vessels which have departed or may depart from the United States, to enter the ports of Cape Francois, and Port Republicain, formerly called Port-an-Prince, in the said Island of St. Domingo, on and after the first day of August next. 2. No vessel shall be cleared for any other port in St. Domingo, than Cape Francois and Port Republicain. 3. It shall be lawihl for vessels which shall enter the said ports of Cape Francois and Port Republicain, after the thirty-first day of July next, to depart from thence to any other ort in said island between Monte Christi on the North, and Petit Goave on the WE-zst : provided it be done with the consent of the government of St. Domingo, and pursuant to certificates or passports expressing such consent, signed by the Consul—General of the United States, or Consul residing at the port of departure. 4. All vessels sailing in contravention of these regulations, will be out of the protection of the United States, and be moreover liable to capture, seizure, and confiscation. Given under my hand and the Seal of the United States, at Philadelphia, the twenty-sixth day of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand [L. S.] seven hundred and ninety-nine, and of the independence of the said States the twenty-third. JOHN ADAMS. Br rmt Piutsmmrrz TIMOTHY PICKERING, Secretary af State. h