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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/814

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770 APPENDIX. PROCLAMATION S. NOS. 24, 25. No 24. Ordering Persons to remove from the Puélic Lands. March 6, 1830. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION. P’°*’mb1°· WHEREAS it has been represented, that many uninformed or evil disposed persons have taken possession of} or made settlement on, the public lands of the United States, within the district of lands subject to sale, at Huntsville, in the State of Alabama, which have not been previously sold, ceded, or leased by the United States, or the claim to which lands, by such persons, has not been previously recognized and confirmed by the United Smteux; which possession or settlement is, by the act of Congress, passed on the third day of March, one thou- 18°7· °h‘ 46* sand eight hundred and seven, expressly prohibited: and whereas, the due VO] H 445 execution of the said act of Congress, as well as the general interest, require ' p that such illegal practices should be promptly repressed: Ordering por- Now, therefore, I, ANDREW JACKSON, President of the United States, sous to remow have thought proper to issue this my proclamation, comnnauding and strictly f’ °§ the PUNK? enjoining all persons who have unlawfully taken possession of} or made any

¤ s  settlement: on, or who now unlawfully occu y any of the public lands within the

district of lands subject to sale, at Huntsvilaz, in the State of Alabama, as af oresaid, forthwith to remove therefrom; and I do hereby further command and enjoin the marshal, or officer mating as marshal, in that State, where such, possexion shall have been taken, or settlement made, to remove, from and after the first of September, one thousand eight hundred and thirty, all or any of the said unlawfnl occupants; and to effect the said service, I do hereby authorize the employment of such military force as may become necessary, in pursuance of the provisions of the Act of Congress aforesaid, warning the offenders, moreover, that they will be prosecuted in all such other ways, as the law directs. In testimony whereof; I have caused/the seal of the United States of ,- America to be afiixcd to these presents, and signed the same with —”· “·] my hand. X Done at the city of Washington, the sixth day of March, in the year of nur Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty, and of the independence of the United States of America the fifty-fourth. ANDREW JACKSON. BY THE PRESIDENT: M. VAN BUREN, Secretary of Stale. No. 25. Ordering Persons to remove from Public Lands in Arkansas. Feb. 10, 1831. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. A PROCLAMATION. P'°”~mb1€· WHEREAS information has been transmitted to the President of the United States, by the governor of the Territory of Arkansas, that certain persons pretending to act under the authority of the Mexican government, and without any lawful right or power derived from that of the United States, have attempted to, and do survey, for sale and settlement, a portion of the public lands in sshd Territory, and particularly in the counties of Lafayette, Sevier, and Miller, and have presumed t0,a.nd do administer ’00 the citizens residing in said counties, the oath nf allegiance to the said Mexican government: and whereas such acts and practices are contrary C0 thE-1 law of the land, and the mvisions of the act of

 w   Congress approved the third day of March, in the year OFOHY Lord one thousand

V 1»__ · · cxgnt hundred {md seyan, and are offences against the peace and public tran- ° · “· P- · quxhby of the sand Territory, and the inhabitants thereof 2-- Ordering por· Now, therefore, be it known that I, ANDREW JACKSON, President of the $2:; g mm35B Uillted States, by virtue of the power and authority vested in ma, in and by tb6 pu ‘° sand act of Congress, do issue this my proclamation, commanding and strictly