Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/863

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INDEX. 819 not ms: Code for the District of Columbia, Collinfa line of bteamors, proclamation respecting taking the vote notice of discontinuance of extra pay to, 102 of the citizens for or against the adop- payment to P. 0. department for failures tion thereoi Appendix, 48, .. 794 of to perform service, ... 864 Coinagc and Tender, Colonel of Ordnance, See Appendix, Proclamation No. appropriation for office ot} 111, 213, 214, 6, . ... 755 303, 416, 417 (bins and Coinage, Columbia, District of; rate at which certain Spanish and Moxi· See District of Cblumbia. can silver coins are to be received by Cblumbia Ubmvyty Capitol Hill, ' the United States, ... . .. 163 charter of, ... 457, 458 when received, to be recoined, .. 163 Columbia': Lzbrmy for Young Men, expense of recoinage, how charged, . 163 l charter 0tQ ... . ... 458, 459 when new cenm are taken therefor, . . 164 l Columbia Harmony Society, former laws making foreign coins a legal authorized to sell a certain square of tender repealed, 163 ground, ..,..,. 461 annual assays of foreign coins to be made investment of proceeds, ... 461 at the mint,. . ., 163 Columbian Institution for the Deaf, Dumb, and new cent to be coined, . 163 Blind, its weight and composition,.. . . 163, 164 charter of, ... . .. 161 former laws extended to, .. 164 report to be made to, of the number of the how issued, .. 164 deaf, dumb, and blind in the District of coinage of half cents to cease, .. 163 Columbia, . 162 agent to be appointed to confer with non-residents may be received into, . 162 Great Britain respecting, .. . .. 254 United States to pay for indigent persons Mr. Barclay’s plan for preventing abra- _ in, 162 sion and counterfeiting of, to be tested, 254 annual report to Secretary of the Intefurther appropriation therefor, .. 324 rior, .. . ... 162 proclamation of July 22, 1797, respecting $3,000 a year for five years granted to, coinage, Appendix No. 6,, . .. 755 for salaries, &c .. 293 anthoidty to exchange Spanish quarter its rivileges extended to such children dollars, &c. for cents, extended two ol? persons in the U. S. military and years from February 21, 1859, 422 naval service, .. 294 See Japan. receipts and disbursements under this Cblby, Alonzo, act to be reported to Secretary of the payment to, of balance due on contract,. 543 Interior, . . 294 ——-———, Elbridge G. Columbus, Kentucky, payment to, of balance due on contract, 543 made a. port of delivery, . . . 7 Cojims Patches Light, port may be abolished, 7 appro riation for completion of,. . S2, 83 surveyor of customs at, .. . . 7 Couection Bistricts, Comanches, Hannibal, (Mo.,) and Peoria, (Ill.,) made appropriation for, .,.. , ..,. 392 ports of delivery in New Orleans dis- See Comanc/zes. trict, .. 2 Commanding- General, Nassau county, Florida, to be a, ... . 200 appropriation for office of, ... · . . 149 of Paso del Norte not to include El Paso, Commerce, Texas. .. . . 221 proclamation of June 26, 1789, removing, Selma, Ala. to be port of delivery in M0- as to St. Domingo, the restraints of act bile district, .. . 260 1799, ch. 2. Appendix, No. 9, . . . 758 Collection ofDudes. See Duties. of September 6, 1800, removing, as importers may add to the amount of their to Ilispaniola, said restraints. Apinvoices, . .. 199 pendix, No. 10, , 759 rate oi, provision for deciding, .. 195 of August 24, 1822, respecting West penalty for undervaluation, - 199 India trade. Appendix, No. 21,. . 767 Collection of Land Revenue, of June 7, 1827, suspending discrimappro riations for, . . . 116, 218, 307, 421 inating duties as to the Roman Collector ¢y‘PCus!oms, States. Appendix, No. 22, .. 768 to be appointed at Fernandina, Fa. . 200 treaty provisions respecting, See Dem at Chicago, salary of, . 229 mark, Japan, Persia, Peru, Siam, Two Collectors of the Customs, Sicilies. to annex to clearances a copy of tariff of Commerce and Navigation, consular fees, .. 57 appropriations for annual statement of,. 113, to report to Secretary of the Treasury all 215, 305, 418 receipts for consular fees and a state- Commercial Agents, ment of all certified invoices, . 59 salaries oi established at certain places to disburse moneys for court-houses, post- in the following countries :— offices, 327 Liberia, ..., . .. . ., 55 commission therefor, . 327 Nicaragua, ,... . .. 54 Collier, Eliza S., Portugal, .. . . 54 confirmed in land-claim, ... 474 Russia, in Asia, .. 55 —;, James, St. Domingo, (island,) 54, 55 judgment in favor oil against the United in all other places to be paid by States, to be satisfied,.. 568 fees, .. 55